Jacques Cheminade #conspiracy thelocal.fr

Jacques Cheminade, an independent, is one of 10 candidates who has been cleared by France's Constitutional Court to run in the April 22nd first round of the battle to unseat incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy.


Cheminade appeared on LCP television Wednesday, in a debate sponsored by AFP and other French media. He was asked about his support for US extremist Lyndon Larouche, a notorious conspiracy theorist.

In particular, he was asked whether the Queen is a drugs baroness.

"No, not all her fortune," he replied. "There are many other sources, but it's a series of trafficking operations within which, yes, there were drugs."

Cheminade linked this claim to allegations about the Rothschild banking family, and compared the economic crisis to "the start of the Nazi regime and the measures it gradually put in place, as in the United States today."

[Bolding mine]



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