(On the difference between secular BDSM and "Christian BDSM")
They are different since there is a specific spiritual component to their relationship. The Master and submissive/slave worship, pray and grow together as Christians. The Master is head of the wife. She submits to Him. Christ is the head of the church. Master and submissive are both in submission to Christ. A Christian submissive’s first responsibility is to God and His commandments. Unlike her secular sister, a Christian submissive should not participate in something against God’s teaching, even if ordered by her Dominant/Master.
BDSM does not work like this, because in true BDSM, a domme is only dominant in sex, not in everyday life. -_- This is just standard sexist shit.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. There's just something strange about thinking of a woman tied up with a man beating her with a whip and she's yelling, "Aaaah, yes! Beat me like you're scourging Jesus at the pillar!"
I've heard of Christian Domestic Discipline, but Christian BDSM!? LOL I guess its the next logical step.
I really don't care if its secular or Christian, as long as it is safe, sane and consensual then its ok in my book.
@ SaneTeenageNerd
That isn't necessarily true. Some secular participants in BDSM engage in those D/S relationships 24/7.
Christian BDSM? That doesn't sound like any fun. I mean, why screw up your favorite kink by adding Christianity... unless, hmmm, is Christianity a kink in itself? Ugh.
(On the difference between secular BDSM and "Christian BDSM")
God I love this site (fstdt I mean, not Christian BDSM although that's pretty entertaining too)! :) This most definitely fits under the category of "darnedest things".
Master and submissive are both in submission to Christ.
So it's a three-way, I get it.
Joe Mama ftw!
Horror creeping down my spine notwithstanding, I had a sneaking suspicion that some devout-seeming Christians were sexually excited by torture.
And what's with the fucking holier-than-thou attitude? That carries over into fucking TORTURE FETISHES?!
So...God is okay with BDSM? Seriously? Huh...I never thought God would be the kinky type.
Though this makes me think...God is all-seeing right? That means that he's watching every time someone has sex, kinky or otherwise. Also when you're going to the bathroom but that's besides the point. This makes me wonder if a Christian ever gets performance anxiety when you remind them of that.
So what fun is it if only the woman gets to be dominated? I swear xtians are always trying to take the fun out of everything, and now they're taking the fun out of BDSM.
Gives a new meaning to when the bible talks about slaves, huh?
Unlike her secular sister, a Christian submissive should not participate in something against God’s teaching, even if ordered by her Dominant/Master.
So, no oral, anal, toys, or handjobs, then?
"Unlike her secular sister, a Christian submissive should not participate in something against God’s teaching, even if ordered by her Dominant/Master."
So I guess that means she doesn't have to eat your cum because it doesn't have scales, or horns and cloven hoofs and chew its cud? ... Or does it?
If denial is a river, rationalization must be a whole planet because I can't see how you're from Earth and still believe the shit you're spewing.
Sealed for your safety.
Unlike her secular sister, a Christian submissive should not participate in something against God’s teaching, even if ordered by her Dominant/Master.
No dildoes then...
Ezekiel 16:17 (KJV)
'Thou hast also taken thy fair jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given thee, and madest to thyself images of men, and didst commit whoredom with them,
Ezekiel 16:33
They give gifts to all whores: but thou givest thy gifts to all thy lovers, and hirest them, that they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom.
It's more like a gigolo situation, I think.
That makes you blissfully ignorant.
Ugh. Flagellation has never seemed so dirty.
Although it would explain those positively rapturous expressions they wear when they see Jesus suffering on the cross...
Ick. My brain needs to shut off now.
Why are people surprised?
I'm sure this guy fap'ed insanely to the Passion of the Christ and I am sure he has tons of pictures like this:
Religion is both mental and physical torture and needs to be abolished!
But what if the Christian wife's the Dominatrix?
....How can you christianize BDSM? A lot of things can get christianized: Comic Books, Popular Music, Kid Shows, Subculture Movements, Horror Novels, Action Figures, etc. But how the heck do you put the ChristoSpin on certain sex acts? Add prayers? Shout "The Power Of Christ Compels You"? Role-play Christ's flogging?
And what else would you call it, o Politicaly Correct One?
And by the way, I never said it was depraved, I just called it what it is.
Do you have a problem with being frank?
@ J. James
No, we don't.
We have a problem with people that, in another life, would be homophobes.
Look up "Safe, Sane, & Consensual". If you don't like it, screw you and your high horse.
Excuse me? Me, in another life, a homophobe?! That's as rich as it is grossly inaccurate. I'm about as pro-gay as they come.
You know, for someone who claims not to have a problem with calling a spade a spade, you shure do get offended mighty quick for no good reason. My target was THEM, you dumbass, not the entire torture-kink community or whatever acronym you're calling yourselves now. I really couldn't care less. I was mocking THEIR colossal hypocrisy and THEIR neurotic little misogynistic sexual fantasies. You don't seem to be branding the fetish with the hearty ol' Christian Seal of ApprovalTM , so it really doesn't even apply to you.
Pack up your little strawmen, I ain't letting that slide. At NO POINT did I try to conflate torture porn with RAPE. It's not rape, and stop accusing me of saying it is.
Again, that condescension was directed at the so-called "Christian" fetishists for being creepy-ass hypocritical mysogynists.
To run with the whole gay analogy, remember Ted Haggard? We didn't mock him because he was homosexual, we mocked him because he was a fucking hypocrite asshole. Same thing here. It's not that they're sadomasochistic or whatever, it's that they're being colossal pricks about it. And again, more than a little creepy.
Do NOT call me homophobic or compare me to a homophobe again. It is completely untrue and hardly even applies to the topic anyway, aside from being under the rather nebulous topic of "sex".
And I still don't see how calling torture fetishes, well, 'torture fetishes' is in any way hateful to those that partake in them.
As for disgust, well, I don't find gay sex to be wildly exciting but that doesn't mean I hold it against the people that are into that kind of thing. Nor is that the case with sadomasochism. In fact, it's even less so, at least in concept, because it at least could align with my sexual preference. But I wouldn't call it "disgust" so much as "disinterest."
Gor jihad!
BTW, yes I think bondage is depraved, but I don't think there's anything wrong with it if that's what your into.
Likewise if someone isn't into it then they might find it disgusting on a personal level. That's normal. It doesn't mean they want it outlawed, or are judgemental of the people who like it. Reacting to bondage like that doesn't mean he thinks you should be locked up in a padded cell or anything - we aren't talking about furries here.
He was only directing the piss-taking towards the hypocrites, like those Christian BDSM sorts who have a thing for getting tied to a crucifix. Honestly, if you're someone wih a crucifixion fetish, please feel free to disagree, but don't get cross. Heh, cross.
Don't whip me too hard for my opinion (oo-er). I'm not bound to like it (oo-er) so please be gentle (OO-ER).
Wonderful. It's not enough that they ruin rock music and heavy metal, the have to do this as well.
If its anything like the other "moral substitutes" out there, all the fun parts will have been surgically excised and replaced with scriptural nonsense.
Makes sense, since christianity is a brutal patriarchal system. There's no more effective way to keep a woman in bondage than to fuck with her mind so completely she believes her god wants her to do everything you demand of her, no matter how painful, humiliating or dehumanizing it is.
I guess anything can be christianized;
Murder, pedophilia, BDSM, theft, assault, battery, terrorism, rape, war...
(*sings *):
'They shall know we are Christians by our kinks, by our kinks...
Yes, they shall know we are Christians by our kinks.'
My girlfriend humping me senseless, whilst she wears only seamed stockings & 6-inch heels is nothing compared to this ! Besides, what, pray, is wrong with the woman taking the dominant position? (as per the above; she loves the feeling of power she has over me, as she stands before me - while I'm sitting down - wearing said stockings & high heels. Then astride me, she has greater control over the pleasure she gets from humping me; also it's the perfect position for my playing with her breasts, which she loves).
Yes, o Mistress Eclair. Hurt me! Degrade me! I am as mere dirt under your exquisite stiletto heel! X3
Matthew 7:1 ring any bells, Sir Gardener?
Submit that shit. RIGHT NOW. That's awesome, and "Fundies Say The Darnedest Things" fits that PERFECTLY.
Also, pretty damn close to TMI, there. But I have to admit, I am attracted to the confident type as well... But mostly they turn out to be lesbians. Ay de mi. The only problem I have with homosexuality is that it takes some truly spectacular girls out of the running.
I think we can all agree, however, that submissive, bland, obedient women like those in the post are supremely unattractive. Ick. It makes you wonder whether these Christchun wimmins really like it or are just trying to submit to their husband's sadism. /shiver
Wow, this makes my dominance fetish even legitimate in comparison.
Tag-teaming with my girlfriend to look down on multitude of servants. Casual sex and consensual, sort of like what christians fap about but no religion involved.
Nothing beats a proper massage and tonguebaths.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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