Traditional Values #fundie

“American from it's founding was established by founders that incorporated Judeo Christian values and principles; that are reflected in the fact that Sodomy was a serious felony in many American States until recent years. As our nation forsakes divine principles of sexual conduct our nation will experience ever greater spiraling of moral degradation as evidenced with much more frequent arrest of individuals for bestiality of sex with animals being frequently in the news, this is only the beginning of moral degradation in America any nation forsaking divine principles of moral conduct will see the destruction of their society for rebellion in the face of God's precepts unless vast numbers of Americans repent for promoting and accepting the Gay Agenda sure judgement is coming upon America. As the Scalia article mentioned Sodomy is still Sodomy; no secular laws alleviate punishment for practicing abhorrent forbidden sexual lifestyles that are unacceptable conduct under guidelines of a higher power. End Of The Story”



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