Factotum666 - I have a $1000.00 that you cannot explain to me how DNA functions or is created in the body with its billions of known codes is to have evolved with out a living God - I will bet you an additional $1000.00 that you cannot adiquitly explain the functions of a living cell and its billions of function without a living God to believe that some how a living cell or DNA could have come out of some soupy gaseous mix is the complete Apex of stupidity, pride and conceit
Wrong. To believe that what you do not understand cannot possibly exist without the intervention of your alleged magic sky fairy is the zenith of stupidity, pride, and conceit.
"The model works without that assumption."
By the way, what is an incomplete apex?
Of course, no proof that's offered will ever be good enough, and he'll just keep moving the goalposts.
I'm reminded of Kent Hovind's $10,000 challenge to prove evolution true, which also required one to prove the big bang theory and abiogenesis could only come about without a god being involved. Two things which have absolutely nothing to do with evolution and impossible to prove that God doesn't exist.
So I assume by "adequately" s/he means "completely".
Nothing will ever be explained completely. That's the biggest difference between science and religion; science accepts that humanity will never know everything about the universe.
"I have a $1000.00 that you cannot explain to me how DNA functions or is created in the body with its billions of known codes is to have evolved with out a living God"
I'm willing to be $1,000 that you wouldn't understand it if he did explain it to you.
"I will bet you an additional $1000.00 that you cannot adiquitly explain the functions of a living cell and its billions of function without a living God to believe that some how a living cell or DNA could have come out of some soupy gaseous mix is the complete"
Define "adequately". I suspect that your definition of adequate and mine are at odds. You likely want a soundbite size nugget of easy to digest information that completely explains every nuance of DNA, cells, biochemistry and so on offered in a manner a six year old would fully understand. Failing to do any of that will result in you claiming that it's an inadequate answer, I suspect.
"Apex of stupidity, pride and conceit"
You certainly are.
Oh, it can be explained. Just not enough to convince you. It will never be enough for you.
Because you only see what you want to see.
For the love of anything - ALL COMPUTERS HAVE SPELL CHECKS, why don't you use them?!??!
I doubt you're really going to pay any money for an "adiquitly" explained phenomenon that most kids who like dinos can explain before they hit 10 years. Though in this economy I could really use the money, maybe there is a kid I could con to explain it to you in terms you'll understand.
LOL - it's only the second $1000 bet which needs to be explained adiquitly [sic]. The first just needs to be explained. She should have consulted a lawyer before setting the terms of her bet.
So, who's going to go for it?
I seriously doubt you have $2,000.00.
I also seriously doubt that you have the basic grasp of biology to even understand the explanations.
Makes you a complete Apex, doesn't it?
Well as long as we're going to go for things we've yet to learn, I suppose there are any number of explanations that have no backing. God, the Spaghetti Monster, or the whole universe is an art project by a bored housewife in New Jersey.
LietotumShitShitBullshit - I have $1000 (really I do, no bull) if you can prove my pre - concieved pig - headed notions wrong to my satisfaction, which of course you can't. Not to my satisfaction anyway. Lets go!
Argument from Ignorance.
Just because it "seems" complex to you doesn't automatically mean "god diddit" nor does the conclusion follow from the premise (non-sequitor).
1. Things seem complex to me.
2. God didddit
3. Jesus
Batshit insane logic you have there (why must it be one god; why not 5 of them?). Also, your bullshit begs the question. If the complexity you think you see (subjective) requires a designer then you can bet your ass God is far more complex, and thus would also require a designer.
Read a fucking book and stop jumping to conclusions.
We could put 'toaster' in place of 'DNA'. Put the toasters factory blueprints,tech sheets and parts breakdown in front of you, and you'd still refuse to pay up. You have no interest or intention in looking at the evidence
I am finding it hard to imagine he would pay up with a username like creationistrue.
Also, I fail to see how claiming we came for a all powerful God with his image no less, in which our planet being the centure of the universe and all the other living creatures of the Earth being made to suit our own purposes contains any less stupidity, pride or conceit.
Like the quote, but I did want to point out that the Milky Way is a BEAST of a galaxy, and gravitationally dominates the local area. You can see evidence of (I think) hundreds of absorbed/eaten galaxies from the remnants of stars orbiting at odd angles above the ecliptic.
Sorry, carry on.
English major? Pffffftt I bet he isn't even an American lieutenant. A sergeant, maybe.
You can always tell a sergeant, but you can't tell him much.
Soupy Mix - wasn't he that comedian that died recently? Or am I thinking of Soupy Sales? My bad.
Religion even the belief in god is based on faith. Therefore, you get to keep your 1,000$
umm most atheists dont believe they came from primordial ooze, just a few oddballs...
"Factotum666 - I have a $1000.00..."
I stopped believing you right there.
Because if history has taught us anything, it's that the only way a creationist could even GET $1000 is to have stolen it from someone else, a la Kent Hovind or VenomfangX.
So unless that's how you came across it, I'm calling bullshit. Because, let's face it, from that crock of shit you've posted, it's blatantly obvious that you didn't graduate university in order to get a well-paying job that'd let you EARN $1000. So yeah...
Interestingly this is the response to a challenge. In an earlier comment creationistrue had stated that a cataclysm would hit Jerusalem (along with assorted end of days type activity)"no later than 2017".
Factotum666 tested this faith by proposing a simple $100 bet that by 01.01.18 said cataclysm would not have happened.
True afficionados of the fundie genre will note the delicate way in which all reference to this challenge is ignored, the ground shifted and the stakes upped, smoothly blurring the subject from a clear prophesy of an event to a vague discussion of evolution and micro-biology. [never sure whether to hyphenate microbiology]
creationistrue - I have a $1000.00 that you cannot explain to me how DNA functions or is created in the body with its billions of known codes is to have been created by God - I will bet you an additional $1000.00 that you cannot adiquitly explain the functions of a living cell with the function of a 'living God'.
Change your name to 'creationisbullshit', fucktard. And get yourself a dictionary or use spellcheck. You obviously majored in stupidity, not English.
The DNA that works makes more of itself.
The DNA that doesn't... is destroyed, and lost.
Therefor, a general increase of efficiency can be observed.
Where's my $1000.00?
Same as above.
Where's my $2000.00?
Messrs. Watson & Crick, and their Nobel Prize.
Also, the Master of Surrealism, Joel Veitch (*Puts tin of Campbell's Cream of Pride and Conceit Soup on head *):
That'll be $2000 please, or I'll ask Joel to sic the Woe Kitten on you: 'WOE UNTO THEE!' >:3
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