[On Aleppo]
How exactly is airlifting supplies to the besieged a method of stopping a war? Surely that is a method of supplying one side to continue the war?
"Surely that is a method of supplying one side to continue the war?"
Was the Berlin airlift (June 1948 - September 1949) the same?
And don't call me Shirley!
Notice how the link at the top of this page says "Help Syrian War Victims" instead of "Help My Favorite Syrian Faction."
I don't care whose side who's on. If you need medical aid, other basic needs, or shelter from the violence, then you should be able to get it. Simple as that.
I am currently playing Disgaea four, I'm at the end of the game and now that it has gotten serous it has a strong message. The villain is an enemy soldier who was sounded in a war and saved by a friendly nurse. She did not care that he from tpanother country and her nation's enemy she helped him any way. After he left she was caught and killed for treason. The soldier was also tried for treason by his country, he was killed but not before his family was killed first and the nurse died. He was killed hating all of humanity. His hatred was so strong that he refused to move on and started an endless quest to wipe out humanity. He loses faith in any sort of kindness and decency.
What is my point, well Judge Nemo is a fictional character whose action are an exaggerated extreme. Yet xxyx actually thinks that's reality.
It is true the peace xxyx wants could be found in cemeteries, or rather, in this case, in mass graves, but manking may hope to keep its members alive the longuest possible, and this includes feeding assieged civilians among others.
Yes xxyx, the Syrians should just do the moral thing and starve. That way, you'll never have to suffer the unbearable agony of making basic moral decisions ever again.
If you want the war to end so badly, why not suggest that someone glass the whole area, like all those racist lunatics? At least then you'll be actually honest about how much you care about Aleppo, Syria, and the wars victims.
Seriously, fuck this guy.
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