I wrote my first book "The War That Never Began"! It's based on Revelation 20:7-8 (that one paragraph that covers the span of the future 1,000 year reign). I found it really fun creating a future world where Jesus was King on Earth! It follows a family that is split apart as they each choose their own side, for or against, Jesus' worldwide Monarchy. While the end may be known from beginning, I hope you enjoy this fictional tale on what it might be like to be alive in those days. I think you'll love how the enemy has the tables turned on him at the end! We likely very soon won't even have to wonder about it!
You're gonna need more S&M than Mel Gibson could include in a film to get that to sell.
Look what happened with a mere "Twilight" fanfic.
But I'll read your fanfic Falamalamadingdong: when Dr. Stuart Ashen does a parody of it.
When I first heard about Fifty Shades of Grey, my initial assumption based on the title was that it was about old people.
Come to think of it, that actually WOULD be an idea for a parody film. "Fifty Shades of Gray Hair". Starring Clint Eastwood and Betty White.
That reminds me of the Westboro Baptist Chipmunks video. At the end they picket the pearly gates and hold signs saying God Hates God, God Loves Satan, and Heaven Burns In Hell.
So in 3017...when we finally have flying cars, replicators, and hyperdrives, this world is going down the crapper?
Now that's what you call dystopian fiction. Sort of the ultimate Big Brother is watching you.
Relax, it will never happen.
@Judges 1:19
And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.
Actually, I have my own idea for a Rapture movie:
It's an anthology dealing with many reactions of the scrubs who get left behind, going by the "every Christian gets Raptured" interpretation. There will be five or so stories:
* Two buddies cut loose not having to deal with the Christians in their life anymore. Gay romantic comedy.
* The Antichrist starts his political machinations. He's the good guy. Genre: Political satire.
* A doctor in Arkansas has to deal with half his hospital vanishing. Genre: Medical dark comedy.
* An atheist teenager has to make it back to civilization after her family gets Raptured in a camping trip deep in the woods. Genre: Survival drama.
* A Rapturite gets left behind for an unknown reason. He decides that morals are nil and he can commit all the atrocities he wants. Genre: Psychological Horror.
@Demon Duck of Doom
* A Rapturite gets left behind for an unknown reason. He decides that morals are nil and he can commit all the atrocities he wants. Genre: Psychological Horror.
Good to see that I am not the only one who is disturbed by those claiming that people must be monsters without the threat of Hell, specifically what that implies about the speaker and what would happen if they ever suffer from a crisis of faith.
And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
Thousand years is a very long time, dearie. How long has the US been around? 250?
Sweden has been around for about a thousand years, and Swedes ("Svear") an additional thousand years.
Which are the four quarters? Europe, the Middle East, East Asia and Africa? Those were the parts known in the time when the Bible was written.
The nations are as many as the sand of the sea?
@Demon Duck of Doom
Yep, that last ones greenlit. And they'll complain when it comes out with "Why does Hollywood depict fundamemtalists as nutters?" and we again say "art imitates life"
The one about the hospital feeds into their Left Behind fantasy too much, as fan fiction around that seem to suggest Rapturites are the only professional people on the world, hey, their already pretending, might as well build themselves up.
I bet there's one out there where they build big walled cities, powered by Jesus' essence and reestablish Nascar and all the fast food joints on top of the walls where they can watch people suffering outside. Hey I've seen Heaven descriptions like that posted here.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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