Shep Voice #fundie
JuliaRomanov16: The Truth is sometimes terrible. You cannot "disagree" with homosexuality, it is a fact. It is also a fact that many gay people, including children, commit suicide because they are told that homosexual attraction is an illness not to be reconciled with a good christian life. Countless other children are thrown out into the streets with some forced to turn to prostitution to survive. What i have told you does not even scratch the surface of the hate and indignities that the LGBTQ community face on a regular basis. So yes Yvonne must want us dead. The fact that she won't pick up a gun and kill us directly, but instead wants to use "respectable" means, makes her a coward.
Shep Voice: Actually, it is God who will want them dead as they refuse to believe that He made us and that He sent His Son to save you even from yourself. Jesus is the Physician, the only one who can rewire our brains to accept what is right in God's eyes. Otherwise, you will be part of the rebellion, the one that God hates. Again, many ways SEEM right but its end is death=Hell. Jesus is the only way out (the reason He came to earth).