Avery Falk-Smith #fundie patheos.com
First of all.... IF people would read their bibles.... Revelations to be exact, Jesus Christ himself does NOT know himself the hour and date of his return, nor the angels. Revelations also explains that certain events have to take place BEFORE his return, meaning we all need to read to see these events to know where we are at in Revelations. I don't believe in "Psychics, Tarot Cards, Palm readers" what I do believe is what the bible has already stated and what God himself shares with me. I do believe however that America IS asleep and needs to wake up. According to the bible, 2 will be chosen for election but there will also be a public figure that will rise up, then the anti christ. Are we in that time right now? Hard to say, although things seem to point that way. In the end days, God does talk about division among us. Already we are hearing how the Democrats are talking about if your Christian you need to bail now and leave. God is moving us around folks, he is getting us ready, moving us into position. Wars and rumors of wars are also stated in this book. Israel will NOT see peace until his return. If we sit here and put so much focus on the media and all this madness flying around we actually rob ourselves of what God has given us. We have taken our eyes off of him and not stood on our faith and our trust in him. Yes, these things are heartbreaking, yes when it does come down to who wins we will be faced with enduring what they have to offer us, but I say take heart, keep your spiritual eyes and ears open and stay focused on what God will have you focused on. "Satan will come like a thief in the night, a wolf in sheep's clothing...a coat of many colors" We all need to be watching and praying and continuing life as God intended. We are living in scary times folks, no question. Where is our faith? Where is our trust? God says, FEAR NOT! For I AM with you always! With much love from God and I to all of you! God Bless us all! :)