Regarding the existence or otherwise of my God, I hope you remember your little outburst come the day of judgement:
"Ah, yes, Welsh Wizard: Now, let me see: Hmmmm. Ah, yes: Go to hell."
"Aaaah, but God: I've been a good person, and I sent money to Africa so that the poor people could shag in safety, and not die from AIDS"
"Yes, but that didn't really help my plan, Boyo. And you failed to show me respect"
"Yes, but I didn't think that you really existed, though! I'm really intelligent, and I applied logic to the situation, and concluded that you couldn't possibly exist, so that's why I never gave you thanks for my home in the Welsh borders, or my education, or for food and drink, for clean air, for freedom from tyranny, for....."
"Don't give me that, you silly Welsh to$$er. Virgin Wool told you loads of times, and you just mocked him. Now, into the fiery pit with you"
I think I've become numb to hearing fundies praise the sky-bully. Yesh. This whole love they have for innocents being tortured by fire for eternity gets annoying after a while.
So, your position is that one's living a good life as a kind and caring person is irrelevant to God. That just another reason to skip your religion altogether.
I'd like to mock your God, but as he is a fictional character, such mocking would be pointless.
P.S. Learn how to use a colon.
Yes, but I didn't think that you really existed.
Virgin Wool told you loads of times, and you just mocked him.
About having faith:
In what am I supposed to have faith? People come and go and in the time between the coming and going they tell you a lot of things. If I believe what they tell me, do I believe the person or the thing they tell me about?
Example: Suppose that I believe that Virgin Wool is right and convert to christianity, does that mean I have faith in God, or that I have faith in Virgin Wool who has faith in other people who have faith in other people who have faith in other people ad neaseum. Until we come to a point where people have faith that the bible is telling the truth. Just where does having faith in God come into the picture? There are a lot of people and a book you'll have faith in, but no actual person claiming to be God of who you can believe that (s)he is speaking the truth.
In short you have faith in other people and artifacts of times long past, not an actual God.
(I will paste this on the forum if you want to discuss/point out flaws.)
@Star Cluster
And the possibility of just that scenario is one reason I find the concept of god(s) to be unreasonable and therefore illogical.
Um.. what about malicious gods?
So, what a waste of time with the Beatitudes, the love thy neighbour, the ten commandments and the I was hungry and you fed me...............
Ah yes, the standard "I'm so special, God will throw you into Hell for not agreeing with me" fantasy. For people who claim to follow Jesus, they certainly don't do a very good job of taking what he said to heart.
Sgeo wrote:
Star Cluster wrote:
And the possibility of just that scenario is one reason I find the concept of god(s) to be unreasonable and therefore illogical.
Um.. what about malicious gods?
Any gods. I make no distinction between any kind of dieties. They're all man-made concepts.
Virgin Wool told you loads of times, and you just mocked him.
"Yes, but Virgin Rayon told me you were made of spaghetti and flew through the air. I thought that was even more ridiculous."
"Well, now you know better. I am made of spaghetti! And I do fly!"
"So I don't get the beer volcano, huh?"
"That's right, or the strippers, either. You're going back as Brother Randy's next kid!"
"Agghhhhhh - Noooooooooooo...." (fade out as Mrs. Debbie's fat, swollen breast comes at his face ...)
I would, hehe, comment, chortle, but I am to busy, bwahhahahahaha, laughing to type correctly...tee hee hee.
F'in Redhunter said...
He did! That's where he plucked this little nugget from.
You beat me to it. Dammit.
BTW, doesn't Virgin Wool sound like a little kid playing with his action figures?
Dammit, you f'in win again, Redhunter.
[fstdt=176927]These "arguments by dialogue" were boring and trite when Plato used them.[/fstdt]
Really, this can't be called an argument by dialogue at all. It's just too idiotic. Good, Platonic dialogues are really just small layer over spread over a legitimate argument. This is just silly, with no argument to speak of.
So, according to Virgin Wool's view of things, God is some horrible egotist, and Welsh Wizard is a decent, smart guy who just happened to get on the Big Guy's bad side.
Maybe a conversation would go like this:
God: Why do you idiots always make me look bad?
Virgin Wool: Lord, but I always tried to serve you.
God: By arguing on the Internet?
Virgin Wool: Um, yeah, you told us to always witness.
God: I also told you to help the poor, care for the sick, and how not to be douchebag. Look at Welsh Wizard. Yeah. He's doing a better job witnessing than you.
Virgin Wool -- have you considered the possibility that the conversation might run like THIS:
"Ah, yes Virgin Wool: Now, let me see. Hmmmm, ah, yes -- Go to Hell."
"But God: I spread the Gospel to the heathen. I loved those sinning gays, lesbians, agnostics, atheists, women, Muslims and Jews and made their lives absolutely miserable to try to force them to come around to Your way of thinking and convert."
"No, Virgin Wool: you weren't doing it for Me, you were doing it for yourself . You thought of yourself as superior to gays and lesbians, superior to women, superior to atheists and agnostics and Muslims and Jews and even Christians who didn't think exactly the way you did. I asked you to show humility; instead your entire life was wrapped up in selfishness, and then you had the unmitigated gall to attach My Name to your mean-minded little schemes."
"But I followed everything You said in the Bible."
"No, you didn't, Virgin Wool. I asked you to love kindness and show mercy; instead you were cruel and merciless. I asked you to show love; instead, you showed hatred. I asked you to show compassion; instead, you were viciously unkind. And every single thing you did to them was something you also did to Me. "
"But how can You do this? I'm a Christian !"
"No, you're a fraud, a phony, a liar and a hypocrite -- and baby: you're going to burn for it, just the same way you wanted all those other people to burn!"
Thanks Uberluteran, I would ad somethihng like this:
Virgin Wool: But I´m a Christian!
God: listen, dear moron, didn´t John the Baptist say that I can kick a stone and get thousands of Christians?, or that I sent my son and he said something that you can´t love me if you don´t love your neighbours?, man, it´s easy to love me, coz I never mingle in earth. If you wanted to feel superior to women, muslims, blacks and heathens, you could as well have joined the Republican party or the Orangist order.
this brings up the question...
do christians believe in god, and do they love him and praise his word...
or are they just scared as shit and join the biggest bully in the playingground?
"I believe in god, because otherwise I'll go to hell"
“Virgin Wool”
You know, if someone questions my belief in dinosaurs, i can find references. The fossils of the beasts, their nests, footprints, eggs.
If someone questions my belief in a globe Earth, i can pony up experiments we can do to validate it.
If someone questions my claim that my ancestors were on the Mayflower, I can offer my ancestry.
If someone questions God Jesus, the believer threatens with Hell. All the time. No positive reason to accept it as reality, just fear. Fear and pain for questioning them.
And a certain smugness in the belief, they’re going to go to paradise, not me.
WHEN i believed, i was saddened by the thought of anyone being in Hell. HOW can a Christain enjoy paradise knowing ANYONE is suffering down there?
Today’s believers seem to get more sadistic with every year.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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