Virgin Wool #fundie

Regarding the existence or otherwise of my God, I hope you remember your little outburst come the day of judgement:
"Ah, yes, Welsh Wizard: Now, let me see: Hmmmm. Ah, yes: Go to hell."
"Aaaah, but God: I've been a good person, and I sent money to Africa so that the poor people could shag in safety, and not die from AIDS"
"Yes, but that didn't really help my plan, Boyo. And you failed to show me respect"
"Yes, but I didn't think that you really existed, though! I'm really intelligent, and I applied logic to the situation, and concluded that you couldn't possibly exist, so that's why I never gave you thanks for my home in the Welsh borders, or my education, or for food and drink, for clean air, for freedom from tyranny, for....."
"Don't give me that, you silly Welsh to$$er. Virgin Wool told you loads of times, and you just mocked him. Now, into the fiery pit with you"



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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