How did we let social engineers working for Illuminati banksters sabotage Love? How did men allow lesbianism disguised as "feminism" to gull and steal their women? Why didn't we realize that "women's rights" is a typical bankster scam. They also pretended to champion workers and minorities in order to divide and control society.
In order to transform humanity for its own purposes, the financial elite must first destroy the Old Order, i.e. marriage and family. The hidden agenda behind feminism is neutering the sexes by empowering women and thus emasculating men. The goal is to exchange heterosexual norms (marriage, family, fidelity) for homosexual ones (promiscuity.) Then everyone can be controlled by sex.
The strength of "definitely maybe," which came out in February, is that it faithfully records the Illuminati's new norms.We are now to take female bisexuality and promiscuity for granted. And its OK for parents to tell their children they indulged in both.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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