If any two species chosen at random share a common ancestor, would that not imply that every living creature today was ultimately derived from one singular “Mother-Beast”? Just what did this creature look like (I imagine a bulbous sphere, fourteen stories in diameter, with various heads sticking out all over: cow, porcupine, squid, human, etc. Most are confused; none are happy.)
Pretty abnormal imagination you've got there. It's obvious you have never been in a science class, much less a science lab. I'm not going to waste my time explaining evolution to you since you're to dense to "get it."
I have to admit, when I first glanced at his screen name, I thought it was Genitals, which would be appropriate since he's such a dick.
No, this "Mother Beast" was, for animals at least, most likely a small, hairy, ocean bottom-dwelling creature made up of a few layers of cells that had no real differentiated "organs" to speak of. A similar animal exists today, a remnant of that original body plan.
Though I'd like to see a picture of this big, ugly thing Getalis speaks of.
OK, so far, so good on the first stage of our scientific method lesson. You have successfully come up with your hypothesis. Now all you need to do is go and look for some evidence that would prove or disprove our origin as a 14 storey, multi-headed sphere.
Nooooooooooooooo, put that bible away!!!!!!!!!!!!
[head bangs against desk]
A "Mother-Beast" breaking up into different species...? I suppose this comes from the same line of thought that had early Babblical characters living centuries: the morontheist claim that at the beginning everything was bigger, better, simpler, and that from this point everything has been degenerating toward the end of the world...
OK, I propose a new law. We will call it the Straw Man Bill, and it will read like this:
The Straw Man Bill
"It shall henceforth be prohibited for an individual or organization to make statements of fact about areas of reality about which they have not the slightest fucking clue. Evolution may not be described as humans descending from apes ever again. From this point onward the Internet may not be described as a series of tubes. Iraq now officially had nothing to do with 9/11, nor did Hussein possess WMDs. The No Child Left Behind Act is merely an administrative program designed to appear proactive and will no longer be portrayed as actually improving anything. But, yes, you may still refer to the Vice President as a "Dick," that is still factually and spiritually correct. "
Think I can get that passed?
All species do share a common ancestor,
However this ancestor species is NOT a single individual, it is a POPULATION of tiny single celled organisms,
Please try to actualy think logicly.
So close, yet so far away.
I imagine the first fundie as being a giant, reptillian creature, probably about 25 metres in diameter, with various heads sticking out all over; Robertson, Donahue, Dobson, Haggard, Hovind, etc. Most are stupid, none are sane.
Mr. Turquoise
Biologists continue to speculate about Luca, the Last Universal Common Ancestor. Many think Luca was found deep underground in hot fissures and existed on sulphur and hydrogen. Such bacteria still exist, and in fact comprise the majority of life on earth today (see The Deep, Hot Biosphere ). No one thinks there was just one inividual bacterium from which everything else descended. But all life appears to be related. There is only one genetic code.
Actually the mother beast, being primitive and all, looked a lot like a present day Republican, kind of glassy-eyed and only partly conscious.
Ok, I really dont have much of a problem with people bashing evolution. You are, after all, entitled to your opinion. However, do some fucking research on the topic before you start trying to disprove it. All you're doing, Getalis, is making yourself look like a fucking retard.
Just what did this creature look like
A bacterium, most likely. Your imagined version bears no resemblance at all to evolution.
1. You are clueless.
2. If this is the case, and it certainly applies here, shut the fuck up before you say something to verify what everyone is already thinking; which is the fact that you are brain-dead.
3. Stop watching cartoons and getting baked and crack a freakin' book.
4. Stop sleeping in class.
"If any two species chosen at random share a common ancestor, would that not imply that every living creature today was ultimately derived from one singular “Mother-Beast”?"
I think he understands!
"I imagine a bulbous sphere, fourteen stories in diameter, with various heads sticking out all over: cow, porcupine, squid, human, etc."
Er...or not.
It's a single-celled organism. Its walls bear a few cilia that respond to certain stimuli and attract or repel the organism. It reproduces through gamete meiosis, which mixes its genetic code with others of its kind. Mutations differentiate from there.
Afterthought edit: I nominate this post for the Straw Cthulhu Award.
If Getalis and his/her (damn androgynous name) cousin share a common ancestor, then that common ancestor must have the forms of both Getalis and the aforementioned cousin fused to his/her (we need a gender-neutral pronoun) body, right?
"...a bulbous sphere, fourteen stories in diameter, with various heads sticking out all over: cow, porcupine, squid, human, etc. Most are confused; none are happy."
- Funny, that's exactly how what I think of when I read posts from Rapture Ready
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