“...if evolution is true then how did all these different religions flourish?”
Gotta figure the survival of the fittest would winnow out some religions if there was anything at all to them, nu? If none are true, then they’re just a mechanism to build community in a gregarious species.
“how did they find noahs ark on Mt. Arack?”
Ah. You don’t mean ‘if evolution is true’ you mean ‘if Genesis isn’t a literal history.
And you need to reread it.
"and the ark was the exsact leangths as it was in the bible”
Really? There were at least three different lengths for a ‘cubit’ back then. Did Moses mean the Hebrew Cubit or the Egyptian or something else? How do you know which? How could you tell the length is exact without that knowledge?
"and made out of the same wood,”
You know what gohperwood is? Please, please share.
“how strange that is if God never even existed,”
Nothing in evolutionary theory says god never existed, doofus. On the other hand, you’re in WAY over your head.
“wow i wonder how Moses could have predicted that a boat with all those measerments could have came to rest on Mt. Arack..”
Predicted? You need to work on your timeline.
"if evolution is true then why did they find Jesus's robes in his tomb?”
Non sequitur.
"If u know about these things as i do”
Except you clearly don’t.
“then u would know that there is know way that all thses things could have happen if God doesnt exist.”
Unless they’re made-up lies.
“dang u sure hit ur head on that one didnt u?”
Yep. We’re the ones with dain bramage. Sure.
“how do u guys come up with these nonsence topics that even a 15 year old Christian can prove to be wrong?”
Anytime you want to show our errors, rather than your ignorance, g’head and start.
“i hope in the future maybe u numb skulls can come up with a more debatable topic. well see ya all later u evoltutionist peeps.”
Hard to believe Paul never said that being unjustly smug was a sin.