Webmaster #fundie demonbuster.com
Hurricane Katrina came through here on August 29, 2005. We were without power for five days and five hours. We never used candles, but had regular batteries for the radio, and rechargeable batteries that kept their charge for night lighting. Warnings on the news was NOT to use candles because of possible fires.
Elsewhere on our website, we talk about objects in your home that can be "hosts" for demons. Candles can also be a "host".
A former African witchdoctor who practiced witchcraft for over twenty years said that demons are attracted to the substance candles are made out of. Candles were a part of his witchcraft. It does not matter what color, shape, or smell they have. When lit, the smell of the candle also calls on another big time demon. Is it a wonder why the candle business is in the Billions of dollars a year! No wonder too that so many churches have candles all over the place.
Get rid of all your candles. You may just be getting rid of some of your problems. This also pertains to incense.
For those Bible researchers who read that "candles" were mentioned in the Bible, look in your Strong's concordance. The Original term is "lamp" "oil" or "oil lamp", NOT "candle". The menorah tradition goes back to 165 B.C. They did not use candles, but used oil.
After you get rid of the candles, command all the demons to leave you and your property, in the name of Jesus, JUST IN CASE.
What if the lights go out, you say? Use a flashlight!
Still want candles? Look at www.4lf.com to see rechargeable battery operated candle lites. The lamp burns for six hours on a single charge.