Bristol Palin #fundie

TOLERANCE IN ACTION: Hit Kim Davis with Marriage Applications in New Android Game


Can you believe this!!!!!!!!?

Condemn Kim, a new android game from Endless Spiral, LLC, lets users throw marriage licenses at an animated Davis as she runs back and forth behind her clerk’s counter. Each time you hit her with a license, she turns red and cringes. Hit her with enough licenses and she goes to jail (So realistic!). If you earn enough credits, you can purchase other things to throw at Davis: A shoe, a tomato, the rainbow LGBTQ flag. You can also throw a divorce her way, which is a not-so-veiled reference to her own series of divorces.

The same people who shout “EQUALITY FOR ALL” will mock a Christian woman for not agreeing with them.

This is such hypocrisy. Shame on anyone involved in making this game and the LBGT community for accepting a part of this game.

Makes me sick.

Let everyone have their OWN BELIEFS – whether you agree or not.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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