It seems that just as the black man (i.e., the original "nigger") was made the blame for society's woes of yesteryear, now everything wrong with society can be laid at the foot of the "able-bodied" leach sucking up Medicaid and other welfare benefits.
Of course, what makes this poignant for us here is that those of us pursuing the total "Happier Abroad" lifestyle are basically one of these "able-bodied" Medicaid benficiaries, even if we don't know it - e.g., if Winston were to get very sick, he would go back to the USA to suck up treatment from Medicaid, even though he is not doing so right now in the Philippines or Taiwan or Red China or wherever he is now.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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