Do you remember that Pink Floyd song, "Comfortably Numb"? I think they were ahead of their time when they sang this one! To me, this sums up the state of our generation. The problem goes beyond the five senses. We have become emotionally numb as well. Young men and women, even pre-teens, are becoming intimate without thinking twice. I've ever heard of people meeting in clubs and going home together, without even knowing each others' names! Women are coerced by society to become more emotionally detached from intimacy by the destructive forces of television and magazines like Cosmopolitan. They try to make women feel archaic and ugly if they're still pure! As if that were even an assumption- most women are assumed to have lost their purity. You'll never see a popular magazine promoting chastity! Like, that's so 1800s! It's a very sorry state of affairs. And what about the next generation? They're brought into this without a say in the matter. It is perfectly acceptable for a woman to have a baby without knowing who the father was, never attempting to find out, and raising her child without a father! The child grows up thinking not having a father is a normal thing! Or, if the woman marries someone else, the child may not even know until later in life that this is not his real father! It's a tragedy of the greatest proportions!
There are so many ways we can bring ourselves back to a state of spiritual sensitivity. Throw away the garbage magazines, as my mother would call them, and replace them with books of emuna and spirituality. When was the last time you read "The Garden of Emuna"? Did you ever experience the joy of reading "Chassidic Pearls" to your children during Shabbat dinner? Eating kosher meat is another way to make our hearts more sensitive. Kabbalah teaches that a person absorbs the energy of the animal that he eats. If it is a non-kosher animal, or was slaughtered in a non-kosher way, this contributes in a major way to a spiritually thick, fatty coating around our hearts that creates an impermeable barrier to emotions. Nothing goes in and nothing comes out.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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