I'm not sure where this would go, but since it does deal with the subject of evolution on one level. I thought I would post it here.
There is currently a movement going on to get people to commit the unpardonable sin. Which is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost (KJV). Being a creationist, I have made the connection to evolution through Richard Dawkins being in support of this group. And allowing his picture to be used to promote the cause. Dawkins has more or less become the poster boy for any hate towards Christians being spewed from the interbet, or his published books.
And because this hate is not really scientific in any way. It leaves the only thing left that every atheist believes that is doing this, which is Evolution. What this proves is why Hitler did what he did through evolution. And why this same hate is now brewing on the same level through several websites who promote the same subject to one degree or another.
It is estimated that around 3,000 teenagers go to this site to blaspheme the Holy Spirit and deny God. In hopes they will lock themselves into a hell they can never be dragged out of. The owner of this site actually targets teens as he puts adds on teen sites. His goal? To eliminate the Christian way of thinking in ten years.
It's about half way down that page. This actually proves that what Hitler did was mainly based on the evolution theory.
"This actually proves that what Hitler did was mainly based on the evolution theory."
No, all it proves is that you're a fucking idiot. A FUCKING IDIOT.
Yes...Hitler murdering Jews, gypsies, academics, communists, etc. with the support of the VATICAN, and while wearing a GOTT MIT UNS belt buckle and expressing his Christian beliefs in Mein Kampf, has so much to do with evolution and atheism.
One thing I noticed. You can murder, rape, steal, and do every other horrible act to your fellow man and still be able to ask for forgivness and be allowed into heaven. But say something bad about god and it's a one way trip to hell.
What the heck is up with that. Some seriously messed up logic there.
I had to see it for myself so i looked on the page.
This logic actually intrigued me
Here is the Hitler-Darwin connection in a nutshell.
Darwin wrote about the survival a preservation of a the dominant species. Thus he must be racist.
Hitler was racist and believed the Arian Race to be dominant. Thus he must have believed in evolution and used it as his preferred method of indoctrination.
To bad he preached Christianity and had two Popes in his pocket or this might start to make sense.
Hitler actually got the whole concept of evolution wrong.
By introducing the concept of racial purity, he wanted to eliminate all people that were not of the "best breed" (ignoring of course all the animals that would be of even less worth).
However, we know now that it's in the mixing of genes that evolutionary progress is made. (Congratulations all mixed race couples by the way...)
So would you PLEASE stop saying Hitler was an evolutionist?
ya know, I just barely skimmed through the page but I didn't see a single mention of Hitler anywhere (aside from teh fundies tossing it around). How exactly does this reverse the indisputable evidence that Hitler was Christian and make him an athiest/evolutionist? Also, lol @ evolution is a religion.
Hey, look! Not only is it a Godwin, it's a long-dead and oft-refuted Godwin!
Good job beating that dead horse, ikester! You don't need original thought when you have fallacies and parroted nonsense!
Yessir, you're well on your way to being a complete and utter failure at everything remotely based in reality.
"Their very existence is an incarnate denial of the beauty of God’s image in His creation."
"The fox remains always a fox, the goose remains a goose, and the tiger will retain the character of a tiger."
"The act which brings about such a development is a sin against the will of the Eternal Creator. And as a sin this act will be avenged."
All from Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. Rather strange words coming from an evolutionist, don't you think?
This actually proves that what Hitler did was mainly based on the evolution theory.
Ahh, if only I had a nickel for every time I've heard that...
No, Hitler was a catholic. He thought he was doing God's work by killing the jews. He even had the backing of the Pope during that time (Pope Pius XII I believe)
And, FYI, Dawkins and most other athiests do not hate christians, or any other religious group for that matter, they just hate stupidity. It just so happens that the two seem to go hand in hand...
I just noticed that he seems to be referring to the KJV as a synonym for the Holy Spirit. Isn't that some sort of idol-worship, or heresy, or something of that sort, according to the basics of Christianity?
Rejecting a scientific truth because some NUTTER used it as an excuse to kill people. Nice.
Now, I think I should reject christianity. Just look at the Crusades or the Inquisition.
That site is great, he has a section named "debate" in which he tries to refute the scientific an evolutionist arguments.
My favorite is when he talks about "Peer view (sic)"
From the site:
"It would be a cold day in hell, and the devil, and his demons skating on ice, before a creationist paper would "ever" pass a peer view by evolutionist scientists (In fact, get them to name one time it ever happened)"
So if the creationist papers don't pass the review, it's not the papers' fault, it's the atheistic evolutionistic scientists fault.
And another thing, why is it always evolutionist = atheist?
I'm a religious person, but I'm able to see that Genesis is a story that tries to explain the creation of the universe, not a literal account. I really don't think religion and science have to be mortal enemies.
"This actually proves that what Hitler did was mainly based on the evolution theory."
If you know anything about Hitler, you would know that he was a racist and bigot long before he decided to use evolution as an excuse to kill other people? Social Darwinism is just proof that people will pervert facts to support their own agenda.
Hitler was Christian you stupid putziod.Wake and smell the incense ,
I cant belve you all are complaning so dam msuch ,
You Christian have been polluting the mind of youths for over 1000 year with your superstitious nonsenses mysticism and gobbledygook,.And now your piss off at a web site that promotes using the brain and asks the real some hard question and refuses accepting the silly and superstitious answer that your religion has to offer ,
Sorry if it bother you so much that kids now a day just cant except or don't accept the simple and ridiculous answers that your religion has to offer the "god says so" or "god did it "augment just doesn't cut it anymore with most of today well informed youth.
However, we know now that it's in the mixing of genes that evolutionary progress is made. (Congratulations all mixed race couples by the way...)
Racial difference accounts for only 5%-15% of overall human genetic diversity; the other 85%-95% has nothing to do with race.
You want the unpardonable sin? Here goes, and this is willingly, from a former Christian, so I'm aware of the context and what it means:
"I deny you, God, and refuse to believe that the events in the bible happened in the context that is presented."
So easy once you realize that the idea of a God is laughable.
Another paranoid that doesn't understand that, for his standards, 99% of the world is blasphemous?, and I wonder, did the holy Spirit appeared in the sixteenth century?. It's funny, how could the Apostles speak in tongues then, 15 centuries before?
@Flipper: They're referring to this verse:
"Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation" - because they said, "He has an unclean spirit." (Mark 3:28-30)
someone explain to me how this has to do with evolution?
so what if richard dawkins has anything to do with it? its not about science, it has to do with, as the people who started it say,a statement of "We are not going to be bound by superstition anymore, so we are denying the holy spirit!"
i guess its too much to ask for people to learn what the other side says first
Grammar, learn some, please. And some spelling while you're at it. Most of your sentences has no meaning whatsoever and some are just half a sentence. Your argument goes round and round and end up with saying the grass is green 'cause it's grass, and it's grass 'cause it's green.
Hitler was a Christian and a chreationist. He probably did not read the KJV as this is an English version of the bible.
What is scientific hatred?
I don't know Dawkins that well, so I'll only write what I do know; Dawkins may not be HATEFUL, just more outspoken than most atheists.
Also, he has a good sense of humor. There was a South Park episode that mocked atheism, and Dawkins was in it. The real Dawkins was "offended" that they didn't give him a proper British accent.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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