Anger is an emotion that gets Satan's foot in the door. Over the years, the insults to our nation and the blatant and sanctioned sacrilege to our God caused me much anger and distress. The second election of Obama was a huge sign that we were on what looked like a permanent path do destruction. Now, with the court ruling in favor of the depravity of "gay marriage" our fate and that of the world is sealed.
Here's the blessing in that. I am no longer angered because I know that for all intents and purposes it's over and I know I have a place in heaven. I've completely given up all hope for our nation and now I can devote all that anger-energy to saving souls and glorifying God. This ruling has been very liberating.
I cannot wait for the coming judgement of this evil world.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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