"...we all run across people who are dead-set on believing that we Christians are involved in a psychological delusion,"
- After watching the hype around Harold Camping's 'guaranteed' date for the end of the world, and comparing it with all the other 'guaranteed' dates in history, its hard to not to think that way.
"...that the Bible is full of contradictions and fallacies,..."
- The gospel of John makes a point that Jesus died before the Passover sedar. The other gospels make a point of saying that the crucifixion occurred after the sedar. Either John r the synoptic authors made a deliberate point that had to be wrong.
"...and that Jesus was nothing more than a mythological character."
- Jesus walked on water and turned water into wine, just like Dionysus. He was killed by his enemies and returned to life, just like Osiris. He predicted the future, just like Apllonius of Tyana. He returned the dead to life, just like Asclepius. I don't know if Jesus was a mythological figure, but he sure ripped off his act from mythological figures.
"Why do they think this way to begin with?"
- Somehow I get the feeling that you don't really want to know.