The anatomy of political correctness

The communication strategy as reaction to the attacks is based of few main pillars:
1.Cover up, and if not possible, do not emphasise the attacker’s religion repeating the slogan – “terrorism has no religion”
2. Ignoring with silence or denying the existence of elements in the Islamic doctrine which justify violence against infidels – “Islam is a religion of peace”, “jihad is a fight for a beautiful soul”.
3. Shift the topic of public debate from the threat posed by Muslim terrorists to the alleged increase of “Islamophobia”
4. Keep ensuring the public about the value of a multicultural society.
5. Discredit all who talk about religious foundations for Islamic terrorism
6. Inspire and promote protests organised by Muslims against terrorism while avoiding speaking about the support for terrorism within this group.
7. Limit information about the victims of attacks. It’s better if they stay anonymous. No heart breaking human stories, nothing about orphaned children, or about traumas the survivors go through.
8. Diminish the significance of terror attacks – “more people die in road accidents”
9. Trying to justify terrorism – “poverty, prejudice, mental disorders are the true causes of terrorism”.
10. Quoting politicians who on one hand don’t want to admit that the Islamic terrorism exist, on the other hand they keep asserting that they can defeat it.



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