“Texas was in a long period of drought until Governor Perry signed the fetal pain bill,” she told the audience, presumably referring to HB 2, the omnibus Texas abortion bill that included a 20-week ban based on junk science. “It rained that night. Now God has His hold on California.”
UK. Mid-June. Summer.
Abortion has been legal here since 1967. Every single free vote in Parliament to lower the time on abortions has, without fail, gone against it, and the original law - from 1967 - has stood.
It pissed down with rain last night.
Reminiscent of the very unseasonal rainfall - for almost a month non-stop - over my neck of the woods in 2007, causing major flooding. In the Summer month of July.
So much for your 'God's promise - via a Rainbow; oh, teh irony! - to never cause flooding again.
The people of the south/south-west of my country would like a word with you, re. the hideous winter floods from late 2013-early 2014, Shammon Grope. Or do you have no concept of Geo-Meteorology?
Americentricism. It'll be the death of you US fundies one of these days. Hopefully via a [i]natural[/i] disaster.
Oklahoma a couple of years ago. Unless Ultron has somehow cut that state out of that part of the US and relocated it to California, there's one 'believer' who's just discovered that you can't spell that word without another...!
"Once a weather God always a weather God."
In that case, fundies in the US must worship Kim Il-sung - who is therefore proven to be God - as it's claimed in North Korea that he controls the weather. >:D
...and as a certain multicolour-hued mane/tailed pegasus controls the weather over Ponyville, ergo Rainbow Dash = Chollima of DPRK Juche-based propaganda. /)^3^(\