Why in the hell do gays want to get married anyways?
Why can't they just fuck off and be happy they can live together and not get beaten like its the 1950s
If Punishment is the face of tolerance in the 21st century, why the hell would they want to go back in time 60 years? Hankerin' for an old-fashioned lynchin'?
And why the hell do you care if gays get married anyhow? Worried you won't be chosen as a bridesmaid?
Well, fuck off and be happy! (isn't that what spock used to say?)
Aesmael -- Yea, verily.
[bullshit] That's right, no homosexuals have been beaten since the 1950s. [/bullshit]
Punishment, what a delightful user-name.
Why do you want to get married? (place answer here.) That's why gays want to get married.
Of course, he probably would give some bullshit reason like "Godsaidso," which means that my semisnappy retort wouldn't work so well. Meh. At least I get to write the word "semisnappy." I've always wanted to do that.
Most people get married because they love each other, stupid. Marriage confers about 1100 benefits to the married parties that domestic partnership doesn't. Things as varied as being able to make medical decisions for your spouse in an emergency, being able to stay with your spouse in a hospital, all the way to inheritance issues. I speak from experience. When my first wife died suddenly I had a difficult time getting the Medical Examiner to release her body to me for burial. The timely arrival of our Canadian marriage certificate put an end to the stalemate.
Why in the heck do fundies hate gays anyways?
Why can't they just back off and let them be happy, they can let them live together and not put them to death like it's the Bronze Age.
Seriously, fundies condemn homosexuals for "living in sin" with each other at all, now this person's condemning them for wanting to live with each other as married couples? I thought fundies didn't like people living together before marriage, but I guess they make an exception for homosexuals, as always.
The moment it's illegal for heterosexuals to marry, we'll stop demanding the legal right to marriage.
Seriously, all we want are equal rights, is that too much to ask?
Plus, I fail to see the problem anyways...many gays...most, I'd speculate, care little, if at all if the church recognizes their marriage. It's the fundies that keep horning in on the legal aspects. Not us that keep trying to stop on their ground.
Why in the hell do fundies want to get married anyways?
Why can't they just fuck off back to the 1950s and be happy then that they didn't beat themselves up with divorce rates of one in two today? [/Newt Gingrich]
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