[In response to another poster mentioning that some women have had men hurt them as a possible explanation as to why women should not be required to always do as men say.]
"I know it is very difficult to honor someone who has hurt you, but it is nonetheless required in the Bible. There is nothing wrong with wanting to stop the pain. But the way to stop that pain is to give it to God. Taking charge to prevent being hurt is not the correct way to deal with it."
"There is nothing wrong with wanting to stop the pain. But the way to stop that pain is to give it to God."
Or, even better, to leave the source of that pain, since God doesn't seem capable of doing SQUAT about it.
~David D.G.
I gotta tell ya, there are really only 5 things that actually piss me off about fundies:
1. Their anti-intellectualist rejection of empirical physical evidence rather than thoughtfully incorporating it into their faith because they can not bear to think that they might not be in possession of absolute truth.
2. Their mysoginistic insistance that women are the property of men.
3. Their insistance that if they are prevented from persecuting others, then that means they are being persecuted.
4. Their belief that they have the divinely-granted right to force all others to conform to their idea of how people should live.
5. Their obsession with sex.
And what about the idiot who does you wrong?, he has responsabilities too, not written in the Bible, got using common sense.
Anybody ever abuses my daughter, I ain't leaving it to no god to deal with. Trust me on this. Meanwhile, Mr. Miller, stay the fuck away from women ... hell, stay the fuck away from men, too.
The only way to stop the pain is to get out of the abusive relationship! The more garbage I read that comes out of T4C, the more I worry about the effects it will have on those who visit the site. It just seems that the whole place is devoted to the ideal that it’s okay to rape and beat others as long as you apologise to god afterwards. It’s sickening!
Anyone tries to abuse the woman I love would get his/her ass kicked royally. She won't take that kind of bullshit for half a second.
If she's too busy to do it, I'd be glad to send them to the hospital indefinitely. And I can guarantee any daughters we have will be capable of handling themselves so that jackasses like kevin there never stand a chance.
Tell that to the women at the battered women's shelters, you fuckstick.
If my husband ever decided that I make a good punching bag, he'd regret ever showing me how to use his Beretta 9mm. Fuck "giving it to God." Some of the most abused women are religious. It doesn't help them one bit.
This guy needs a good beating once a week, and then we'll see how well he "gives it up to God."
Taking charge to prevent being hurt is not the correct way to deal with it.
I'd advise you not to pickup the pieces from the glass that fell in the kitchen. That would be taking charge to prevent hurt. You are supposed to walk your normal paths and to keep walking if you get glass stuck in your feet. Just give your pain to God. Having the glass removed is another example of taking charge to prevent the (further) pain.
You "honour" someone who beats you.
You say it is REQUIRRED by the bible.
You say sticking up for yourself is wrong.
You say god will handle it.
Well, looks like god doesn't care to help jackshit or she wouldn't be getting, not only beaten, but then told that god wants this to happen.
kevinmiller: I hope you snag your nutsack on a rusty nail and then you watch helplessly as your nuts race down a large stone stairway on the ends of your vas def's; a pair of mini-yo-yo's who soon reach the end of their string and pop loose, only to be stepped on by a Clydesdale horse.
The Fifth Commandment is "honor your parents", so I guess this twisted sack of shit would also tell a child being sexually abused by a parent "I know it is very difficult to honor someone who has hurt you, but it is nonetheless required in the Bible. There is nothing wrong with wanting to stop the pain. But the way to stop that pain is to give it to God. Taking charge to prevent being hurt is not the correct way to deal with it."
You are a jackass. Is that would you tell your daughter to do if her man was beating her? Bad bad christian! Bad bad human!
The sad thing is, Snowbunny, he probably would. My ex's dad beat his mom routinely for the first few years they were married. Her dad, a devout Christian (and, to my knowledge, exorcist/minister) did and said nothing.
You've got to remember that a lot of fundies probably value their daughters less than their sons. After all, there's plenty in the Bible about first-born sons. Nothing whatsoever about first-born daughters.
The bible requires you to suffer.
I smell a whole new service industry...we can beat the shit out of bible-zombies, and charge them for it!!!
w00t w00t!!!1!
And what happens if the woman dies as a result? You'll just say, "Oh, well, at least she didn't disobey her husband by leaving him," and act like everything's okay? What sort of monster are you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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