captianstripes #fundie

Can i ask a question? Thank you, what is the basic law of matter? Matter cannot be created! So basically for the "big bang" to have happened when one atom collided with another one creating a massive explosion or whatever, WHERE did those atoms come from????? And for evolution, men have wanted to fly for centuries so why don't I see birdmen? Or why don't I see Deer that have an eye in the back of their heads so they can see predators?? Why cant you just think "man I wish i had an extra arm" and your grandchildren progressively grow extra arms???? As far as I know man has looked the same for at least 5 thousand years and more. For anything to have happend their had to be a "beginning" so where did earth come from?? The planets? Why didn't all monkeys become humans? Why are their not 8 eyed Antelopes? And where did those molecules that form the world we see today come from?? To answer all those questions their is only one logical answer!! God!



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