Shockwave #racist

I am sincerely appalled by all the perversities and indecencies of the Japanese.

Now I understand why Japanese women like Koreans. It's in genetics.

And the Japanese are literally, with pardon for the pun, motherfuckers. They are the result of a mixture of Koreans, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Aliens, Tentacles, Demons, Monsters, Anime characters, etc. ;)

Besides, the Japanese practice incest, pedophilia, homosexuality and other sexual aberrations.

It is a veritable ethnic salad in which they have become the Waenom, the person with cloven hoof-like feet (Jjokbari), crooked teeth, hikikomoris, otakus, alienated, trying to escape reality. :shock:

Just watch the kind of ero-games, erotic anime, pillows and other indecent, perverted, pedophilia, etc.

Well a tsunami could clean up all this dirt and filth, right? May God punish Asian Sodom and Gomorrah.



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