ghebreyesus #fundie

[Describing the benefits of the Catholic Church being the Official Church of the US:]

If the Catholic Church were the OFFICIAL Church of the US, a Protestant or fallen-away Catholic would not be allowed to rule at all. Nor would such heretics have the right to vote, speak, or assemble in public. In the ideal Catholic State, candidates would not be elected based on popular votes, but based on morally correct choices. Morally correct choices are choices that would allow people to freely pick the objective [Catholic] good, with the complete and accurate picture of objective facts and objective [ie Catholic] Truth, both divine and human, and would execute laws that are morally objectively [ie Catholic]correct. The State would have the correct moral guidance, because only the Catholic Church has the fullness of understanding of human dignity to base laws on. If another religion, or a combination of religions, or constantly shifting popular manipulated consensuses were to decide, morality of executing laws would be [as is now] at best haphazard, or erratic, with only selective efforcement of laws and the law-making would frequently be inconsistent and contradictory to objective human dignity.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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