PortHaven #fundie news.slashdot.org

I see quite a few traditional myths in regards to evolution. And I find it's adherents to be quite religious and zealous. They too like to cover the mistakes, misinterpretations and mistranslations of their own as well.

The amount of fraudulent evidence used in many schools to teach evolution is immense. Be it drawings and depictions based on psuedo men derived from a single jawbone or a tooth of an extinct pig. And while those in the know may be aware that these mistakes and frauds are incorrect. These representations are STILL being used to teach kids the religion of evolution (as opposed to the theory of evolution).

But to me, the discussion should not be closed and censored. Such action is far worse than what the Catholic church did to Galileo. At least the Catholic church's stance allowed Galileo to express his views so long as he merely stated them as a theory for discussion rather than declared them fact. Evolutionists are far worse, because they won't even allow discussion on that level.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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