I see quite a few traditional myths in regards to evolution. And I find it's adherents to be quite religious and zealous. They too like to cover the mistakes, misinterpretations and mistranslations of their own as well.
The amount of fraudulent evidence used in many schools to teach evolution is immense. Be it drawings and depictions based on psuedo men derived from a single jawbone or a tooth of an extinct pig. And while those in the know may be aware that these mistakes and frauds are incorrect. These representations are STILL being used to teach kids the religion of evolution (as opposed to the theory of evolution).
But to me, the discussion should not be closed and censored. Such action is far worse than what the Catholic church did to Galileo. At least the Catholic church's stance allowed Galileo to express his views so long as he merely stated them as a theory for discussion rather than declared them fact. Evolutionists are far worse, because they won't even allow discussion on that level.
Sing with me to the tune of "Bringing in the Sheaves":
Lying for the Lord,
Lying for the Lord,
We shall come rejoicing,
Lying for the Lord.
At least the Catholic church's stance allowed Galileo to express his views so long as he merely stated them as a theory for discussion rather than declared them fact.
Is this somehow implying that it's correct to not consider Galileo's views factual?
And I don't see how it's any different. You're insisting that evolution be called a religion, and insisting it's correct that Galileo's ideas be merely "theory" (in the non-scientific sense, I'm assuming). Facts have no necessity to be represented as anything other than facts.
"I find it's adherents to be quite religious and zealous"
Only because we have to be in order to get through to you lunkheads! If we did not seem confident in evolution's merits, and did not try to tell you how you are completely wrong in your dismissals of it, then you could continue to reside happily in your ignorance, believing yourself justified in your baseless opposition to evolutionary theory. In the void of criticism against your condemnation of sound scientific theories, your own unfounded Creationist-oriented assertions could pile up, and actually convince other people, inocrrectly, that you have a valid point. I assure you, emphatically, that you do not. What I say, however "zealous" it is, is certainly not "religious", though, since the only reason I care about evolution at all is because it is being attacked by religious nutjobs. If fundies were babbling about removing anything else from the classroom for arbitrary reasons, I would defend that just as adamantly.
When will these people ever learn that we've found much more than just a goddamn tooth and a jawbone? IIRC, we've discovered many complete (or nearly complete) skeletons. A shitload of skulls, at least.
The "tooth of an extinct pig" was never seriously considered as a candidate for an early human in the first place. http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CC/CC002.html
You forgot to mention that when Galileo did discuss his findings "as a theory", the Church clamped down on his books and sentenced him to lifelong house arrest.
Get your facts straight or STFU.
Lying for Jesus is still Lying.
Come up with some fucking proof for your bible, outside of your bible, then we'll talk.
I wonder, in which alternative bizarro universe is this guy living?. The first sentence is the perfect portrait of a fundy and the mistranslation part is understandable because of the Bible but what about evolution?, is he questioning the skills of the professional translators who translate papers in English to other languages or what?, or just PROJECTING?.
In the second paragraph, if he's talking about Piltdown, it was science itself which proved that it was a hoax and it's no longer regarded as evidence.
And of course, the case of Galileo is delirious. In fact, the only expression of his views they allowed him to was to deny his theories.
Maybe this guy should either stop being a poe or pick up the word religion in a dictionary.
But evolutionists will accept alternative theories.
It's just that "God did it" isn't a theory, because it can't be tested or supported.
Evolutionists are far worse, because they won't even allow discussion on that level.
We don't have such discussions because we already fucking had them decades ago. When every generation of religious idiots comes at us demanding to discuss the validity of evolution, presenting no more evidence than the biblical garbage their goddamn grandfathers brought to us before them, it's a total waste of our fucking time.
You can "discuss" it all you want. You can discuss it until you're blue in the face and your eyeballs bug out. You just can't come into the public schools and try to teach other people's children "God did it" without a shred of actual scientific evidence.
See, faith==religion; evidence==science. If you want to keep your kids home and teach them faith==science, that's up to you. The law allows you to do that in most states, and America needs burger flippers and other unskilled laborers. I'd prefer my kids have a firmer grounding in reality and an actual education.
[At least the Catholic church's stance allowed Galileo to express his views so long as he merely stated them as a theory for discussion rather than declared them fact.]
Galileo faced the inquisition, and was subsequently forced to recant his findings and spent the remainder of his life under house arrest.
You are either lying or ignorant. Which is it?
But to me, the discussion should not be closed and censored.
Fundies rarely mean this. What they mean is they don't want criticism of evolution censored. If a teacher got up there and started ripping apart Genesis, they'd be at the school with torches and pitchforks.
But to me, the discussion should not be closed and censored.
It isn't. But when you start asserting that the way to get striped goats is to get them to mate in front of a striped pole and you've got no empirical evidence then you can't exactly complain when you get laughed out of the debate.
Either get another religion that doesn't suck so bad, or come and join us in the real world.
'Nebraska Man', a hominid postulated due to misidentification of a pig bone is not found in any school textbook. The mistake was identified soon after it was made. The Jawbone would be the Hiedelberg Jaw (I assume) It's humanoid but not human, so it's a good piece of evidence. Other hominids such as H. erectus and neanderthalis are known from numerous fossils and artefacts. There's good evidence, look it up.
"At least the Catholic church's stance allowed Galileo to express his views so long as he merely stated them as a theory for discussion rather than declared them fact. Evolutionists are far worse, because they won't even allow discussion on that level."
Uh...hai thar. Agnostic atheist here...agnostic as in "not willing or able to completely rule out the possibility of a god/some gods" (atheist as in "increasingly becoming aware of the lack of evidence indicating a god outside of the human imagination")
“I see quite a few traditional myths in regards to evolution.”
ANd i see dragons in the clouds overhead. Big deal.
“And I find it's adherents to be quite religious and zealous.”
You mean you see things you disagree with and figure they’re lying? Huh.
“They too like to cover the mistakes, misinterpretations and mistranslations of their own as well.”
Scientists discovered the hoax of Piltdown man, not creationists.
Scientists corrected the mistake of Nebraska man, not creationists.
Scientists dirproved Archeoraptor almost instantly.
So, you’re lying.
“The amount of fraudulent evidence used in many schools to teach evolution is immense.”
Betcha can’t cite ten.
“Be it drawings and depictions based on psuedo men derived from a single jawbone or a tooth of an extinct pig.”
You’re lying again. Nebraska Man never made it to a classroom, not even a textbook.
"And while those in the know may be aware that these mistakes and frauds are incorrect. These representations are STILL being used to teach kids the religion of evolution (as opposed to the theory of evolution).”
“Evolutionists are far worse, because they won't even allow discussion on that level.”
Um, it’s not evolutionists that are preventing ID or creationism being taught in schools, it’s the fucking Constitution of the United States.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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