Sweeet #fundie boards.historychannel.com
[A series of posts submitted collectively]
Sweet: On a full moon night ask yourself where the light is coming from?.. That's why it's called "moon light" because it comes from the moon..
Now you wanna get all technical and claim it is only reflexed off the moon.. True enough but I've yet to hear anyone say "what a beautiful reflexion of the sun's energy off the moon tonight"..
Let me make this simple for you.. If I handed Joe $5.00 to give to you (and by a miracle no less then biblical) he actually does give it to you, whom did you receive the money from?.. That right Joe gave you the money, not me..
['Think of what happens during a lunar eclipse. When the earth gradually moves between the sun and the moon and you can see the earth's shadow move across the moon's surface, why would you imagine that part of the moon is dark if the moon is producing light?']
Dion: Ah isaac your to smart for this stupid arguement you know that regardless of how the moon is finding away to produce light on the earth through reflecting it or on its own it is producing light to our earth. Who cares how the moon does it. It produces light to us in the night. I really love the comment sweet makes i laughed so hard sweet with look at the lovely reflection of sun light coming off the moon thing lol ha ha.
Laoldar: Just because you deliver the items doens't mean you PRODUCE them. Delivery is not production.
Dion: Hmmmmmmmmmm the sun light of the night just doesn't feel like the sun light of the day. Its not as warm it doesn't light as bright as the day. I don't know why the moon even gets in the way of the night produced sun light. I don't know where the moon thinks it shines light on the earth its got a lot of nerve it should just get out the way and go somewhere else cause the sun is produceing the light of the night and the moon has nothing to do with produceing it. The moon can't produce anything even through reflection. ok i got it straight now. I don't know how light surrounds us on earth if the moon has nothing to do with producing it how does the sun get around the other side of the earth and produce the light we use to see things without the moon helping it to produce it? Yes that sun light at night is feels the same as the sun in the day. The moon doesn't put anything on the light we recieve at night it just sits there and shines the sun off of it producing the exact same intensity of the day. It doesn't change the product one bit. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm how you going to get around this one i suppose. The product that is produced during the day is the exact same product that is produced at night but its not as warm not as bright. sounds like a contradiction here somewhere? I think the product at night is changed to a different product is that possible and who helped to produce this different product of light we recieve at night could it be the MOON?