Selene #magick

Just about a month ago, I met a vampire. She made me realize that the powers that I had once had were still there. I talked a lot with her and began to think that I too was a vampire. But some things did not seem fitting. I didn't know what, but something was missing. I had some of the characteristics of a vampire, but some things were still unexplained.

Then, i began to talk with a person of the otherkin. I told him what I believed, that i was not vampiric at all, but perhaps wiccan, or otherkin. He confirmed this and for the first time, after he began explaining things to me, i felt like i belonged. For the first time in my life, i felt whole, and as if i at last knew what my destiny was.

But as it is with all things, realizing this blessing that I have, it comes with a burden i know. And it is much like being an infant again in a world of unknown shadows and strange surroundings.

But i am willing to take the risks and pain that I will no doubt encounter.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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