
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Ancient Greece was never, and is now being discovered Ancient Rome and Egypt were also fictions!

Breakthroughs in astronomy, anthropology, archaeology and Egyptology tend to support the following theses, based mainly on translations of Sumerian writings.

The knowledge of the existence of the One God who must have created the Anunnaki founders, together with the realisation that life encompasses no more than a mere material plane of existence in which we now find ourselves, is all covertly orchestrated by the secret societies.
The world architecture for the extraction of electromagnetic energy comes entirely from the Tartar-Aryan High Civilisation. It is characterised by the use of arched openings, columns, domes and towers. In addition to details such as rose windows and muqarnas, all three-dimensional architectural decorative elements are symbols of the vibration of electromagnetic energy that acts on molecules and the behaviour of cells.
After discovering that Ancient Greece never existed, it is now being discovered that Ancient Rome and Egypt were also made up, and most likely everything else you learn and read about history is a big lie.

You would think that such a great and powerful empire would be mentioned many times in the Bible, just like the Macedonian Empire which is mentioned 39 times in the Bible, but surprisingly the only mention of Rome comes from Timothy, Acts and Romans, which could easily have been added recently!

Not only that, but the ancient Roman Empire is not mentioned in the Bible, nor does it appear on some so-called fake ancient maps! On Ortelius’ map of Ancient Europe from 1595 there is no Roman Empire, and don’t forget that the year 1595 is also wrong, but on the border of Gaulia there is Scythia and Sarmatia. Did the cartographer really miss a huge Roman Empire?

Even in the fake maps of so-called ancient Europe, they created a double fake, and as the saying goes, lies have short legs.

William Henry #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Since 1996, William Henry has been courageously establishing and documenting his revolutionary connection between the original Christianity, stargates and the ascension of humanity into beings of light. His goal has been to recover the authentic teaching of Jesus about how we can transform ourselves into beings of pure light (and love), open a stargate and beam ourselves home.

The Secret of Sion represents the culmination of William’s unique search in Gnostic literature and sacred art that maps the path, called the Way of Light, that leads to the gate of heaven. His quest led him ‘through the worm hole’ where he peered into the promised land of Sion, a place at the center of our galaxy that is inhabited by ascended humans. His journey is presented as an invitation to follow his path in the form of the greatest collection of third eye opening and soul rising ascension art ever assembled, one that illuminates the esoteric mysteries of the greatest cosmic story ever told.

The Secret of Sion reveals:

* Jesus is an avatar of a race or tribe of advanced and wise humans, called Perfect Light Humans, who dwell at the center of our galaxy and travel via wormhole to and from this cosmic center.

* Jesus will return the same way he left…via stargate.

* Members of the race of Perfect Light Humans have remained on earth for thousands of years. They are the most ancient of aliens.

* The Magi are representatives of the Perfect Light Humans.

* Encoded within ascension art is a Stargate technology called ‘the Kit’. It includes the Star Crown (of Rose Thorns), a mysterious anointing oil and a robe of light called the Beaming Garment.

* The Kit is periodically reassembled in preparation for the return of the Avatars of Sion.

* Sion is rising and with it a new, new world order.

* The connection between the Mayan image of the serpent rope from the center of the galaxy and Christian Last Judgement art that shows a serpent linking earth and the Throne of God.

Marianne Williamson #magick #racist #pratt independent.co.uk

Marianne Williamson has denied backing Donald Trump’s claim that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating people’s pets, after saying the unverified reports should not be dismissed out of hand and that “voodoo is real”

This week, Trump, JD Vance and other right-wingers have promoted the unfounded conspiracy theory that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating residents’ cats and dogs[…]
Former Democratic presidential candidate and self-help author Williamson responded to the uproar by writing on X: “Continuing to dump on Trump because of the ‘eating cats’ issue will create blowback on Nov. 5

“Haitian voodoo is in fact real, and to dismiss the story out-of-hand rather than listen to the citizens of Springfield. Ohio confirms in the minds of many voters the stereotype of Democrats as smug elite jerks who think they’re too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo”

But Williamson, 71, insisted her comments did not mean she was backing Trump’s claims[…]
Linking to a National Geographic article she added: “I said that the practice itself is verifiable (see below), and that automatically dismissing the stories of people in places like small town Ohio are very bad for Democrats and actually helps Trump”

However, officials in Springfield have said there have been “no credible reports” of cats or dogs being harmed

Meanwhile, some academics have previously suggested the historical use of the word “voodoo” had racist undertones[…]
Anti-Haitian racism has a deep-rooted history in the United States, dating back centuries. Americans have long been fed images of Haiti as a “voodoo and backwards, uncivilized Black country,” Mack told The Intercept

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

Moving into Virgo Solar Alchemy, the 911 timeline window is magnified significantly during the 23rd anniversary of when the NAA <Negative Alien Agenda> staged an Adam Belial Wicker Man ritual in order to carry out a public ceremony announcing their New World Order plan with the culmination of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers and human blood sacrifice of those killed at the World Trade Center, was intended to be the line drawn in the sand to show the NAA were proceeding with their full domination and slavery agenda of humanity and Earth. This event brought forward what became known as the 911 Timelines, the implementation of the false reality timelines in order to direct the planet into the AI Assimilation Timeline, which is the Fallen AI Timeline Loop system that the NAA fully control from within the Phantom Matrix.

Registering that the 911 Timeline window is being utilized for hijacking the collective consciousness for activating the Armageddon Software for a mock up World War III event, as we are now entering another stage of the planned breakdown of the infrastructure within western societies, which is made evident for those paying attention. This means that the energetic fields are getting more destabilized with the outer conflicts and influx of the dark forces of chaos which drastically increase the potentials of dark possession and negative attachments hitchhiking onto the unaware population, especially those settled within the regions of descending pockets. Until finally there is the tipping point which culminates in a series of major events being revealed to the public, events that have been designed for further destabilization within the transnational storefronts involved in global financial control, the majority remain unaware. When this level of malintent is revealed, it may bring on sudden destructive actions on United States and United Kingdom soil

Daryl James/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In 2004, during his seven years of service with the US Navy that began in 1999, Daryl James was stationed at the Royal Air Force Base at St Mawgan in Cornwall, England, where he was recruited into a “20 and back” program with the Solar Warden Space Program. James recalls how his IQ was measured to be 195 when he walked through a metal detector-looking apparatus. This got the attention of covert military leaders who were seeking exceptionally smart people for their classified programs.
James next remembers meeting a nine-foot-tall Draco Reptilian in an underground section of the St Mawgan RAF base. The Draco physically manhandled James and in retaliation, James poked the eye of the Reptilian and was severely punished with three months of slave labor at a secret Moon Base. He experienced horrific conditions and saw women and children being physically abused.

James described women being kept in brothels and used as sex-slaves as reward for base personnel and workers, and subsequently giving birth to many children. The children would grow up in feral-like underground conditions until they were ready to be harvested for their adrenochrome. The children would be rounded up and kept in steel cages until they were taken out for adrenachrone harvesting, some of which included Satanic Ritual Abuse ceremonies.

James eventually got to serve with the German Dark Fleet, aka Nachtwaffen, where he experienced the Germans’ hierarchical authority system with them occupying all the senior positions, while US and other non-German personnel filled subordinate positions. James described the two years he served with the German Dark Fleet, which included visits to their home planet where he received permission to marry a German woman. Before the marriage could be carried out, however, Nordic extraterrestrials working with the Navy Solar Warden program came and extracted him from his service with the Dark Fleet.

Lance Wallnau #fundie #magick joemygod.com

“When I say ‘witchcraft’ I am talking about what happened tonight. Occult empowered deception, manipulation and domination.

“That’s what ABC pulled off as moderators, and Kamala’s script handlers set up the kill box. One sided questions and fact checking sealed the box. Witchcraft.

“It’s not over yet, but something supernatural needs to disrupt this counterfeit momentum because the same public that voted in Obama is voting again and her deception is advancing.” – Pastor Lance “Bad Wig” Wallnau.

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #magick #ufo primedisclosure.com

Greetings Holy Ones of our 144000 Wayshowers of New Earth

Great Spirit continues to send all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 massive waves of the Creation Flame to prepare for tomorrow’s Celestial Alignment with the Harvest Full Supermoon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Water Sign Pisces the Fish. This Event is bridging in the Divine Feminine Goddess Yin Energies of the Holy Waters of Infinite Source Creator.

We have higher resonance in Mother Earths “heartbeat” today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 57 and 59 hz, Fifth through Seventh Dimensional Anchored in and Rising.

Pachamama also received two massive activations today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with the most powerful magnitude 6.5 earthquake in British Columbia, Canada at 22:22 UTC and a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Northern Mariana Islands at 11:36 UTC. All our Priestesses and Priests of our New Lemuria holding the Keys and Codes for the Raising of the Sacred Land of Mu for all our Good People of the New Earth

As Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun transform into Crystalline Light Bodies of Infinite Life all our Star Nations and Universal families of Light join in this Great Celebration and Transformation to 5D Avatars of the New Golden Age of Enlightenment forever more… A’Ho!

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

In a surprise attack on September 7th, the Light forces have removed the negative Agartha network and dark Tibetan network completely, with only the core of the main underground base in Northern Tibet still remaining. That base will be removed in a month or less.

Immediately after that attack, the Jesuits freaked out completely because they realized they do not have the negative spiritual support they had until now for many centuries. They have since then set a chain of negative events worldwide, that will lead to their downfall against all of their expectations.

The Jesuits want to keep humanity in materialistic physical eternal time loop without any access to higher dimensions because that ensures the maximum entropy of the Matrix. Because of Lurker disentanglement process, their materialistic project will fail:

What is now left is the main dark network on the surface of the planet which consists of globally interconnected layers of Negative military, Negative police, Black nobility, Illuminati, Deep state and Negative financial complex. The Lurker subquantumly entangles with all those factions and guides them with nudges and impulses.
Some of the top generals within the Negative military were once commanders within the Ashtar Command. During military missions in the Galactic wars they were captured by the dark forces, implanted, brainwashed and put into reincarnation cycle on Earth. Many of them originate from Sirius. Sirius star system is beginning its activation which will peak in 2025, and is already sending strong energies to those generals, hoping that some of them may cross over to the Light side, which they may.

The core of the Negative military was infiltrated in 1996 by a small group of dark beings from another Universe, which brought with them a certain small number of Black Stones.
Black Rock (codename for the Black Stone) is at the core of the Negative financial complex, and it controls the Deep state through bribes

Natalia Alba #magick #ufo #quack voyages-of-light.com

Many of you are now immersed in a phase of profound density emancipation, which is going to be an important part of our inner work next year.

As my Guides shared, density emancipation is a process of losing density from our physical bodies that many of you will be undergoing, as you have finally crossed the veils of illusion, healing trauma, and soul fragmentation.
Many of us have suffered pain, go to the doctor, and find nothing was wrong at all, at a medical level, as we always need to make sure nothing further is taking place in our bodies.

This is also a clear sign that the process of losing density has been initiated and that we need to take further steps towards keeping our bodies healthy and flexible, while this process lasts, knowing it is an organic transition we have chosen and we need to embrace it and deal with it as gracefully as we can, as ascension is not always about pain and symptoms, for there is also joy, stabilization and many blessings that come too with this journey.

This process can be especially challenging for those of you who also have some physical issues such as arthritis, arthrosis, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia. There are many other painful conditions not listed here that will too make this process even more complex and painful. When this occurs, we need to include new healing tools or natural remedies to support our bodies.

Sound therapy, acupuncture, organic supplements, programming specific crystals to aid our bodies, such as muscovite, which Guides share is an excellent one to support physical ascension, and many other tools such as swimming, and light immersion exercises will support our bone structure while they are under this process, which is a lifetime one.
2025, a year my Guides named the year of mental liberation, as Pluto in Aquarius confirms, density emancipation, as we are all feeling in our bodies, as we continue to ascend, and above all, soul freedom from our three-dimensional plane.

Mark #fundie #magick familyfriendlygaming.com

I will be completely transparent. Pumpkin Jack shocked me. We are playing as a servant of Satan. We are doing the bidding of the devil. The storyline is all about stopping peace and harmony because it is boring. Pumpkin Jack is pro evil, pro devil, pro rebellion, and more. Pumpkin Jack has references to gore, and lets the player use magic. We also have a crow that we can launch at enemies to attack them. As we progress in Pumpkin Jack we get more violent weapons.

Players save and restore their health at witches cauldrons in Pumpkin Jack. After we die Pumpkin Jack tells us we are resurrecting and lets us know how many times the player has died thus far in the game. The graphics in Pumpkin Jack are on the dark side. I ran into lag issues every single time I came to a cauldron or there was some story element loading in. The music in Pumpkin Jack is very creepy. Pumpkin Jack represents the Satanic holiday of Halloween quite well.

I can’t imagine Pumpkin Jack doing very well in America where the super majority of citizens self identify as Christian. Pumpkin Jack is the opposite of the Judeo-Christian values the super majority claim to hold. Maybe I am wrong. On paper Pumpkin Jack looks like a very bad idea in this market. I can see plenty of families being deeply offended by Pumpkin Jack. I was shocked that anyone would make a game like this.

I noticed the camera was jittery at times, the controls felt a bit loose, and collision detection was not always there. The running/escape levels were pretty neat. The boss patterns are rather predictable. Pumpkin Jack is on the shorter side in terms of length. Decent gamers can beat Pumpkin Jack in five hours. My research into Pumpkin Jack found no physical copy versions in the United States at this time. Pumpkin Jack was a spiritually draining game to play.

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy eraoflight.com

As part of our powerful activation & healing marathon, we are now facing our final moment of full liberation and freedom! For me, that’s our Diamond Sun God and Rainbow Plasma Lightbody fully online and us flying, for all else is a limited version of reality.

For this is us completing our transmigration, translocation, and transformation process, and return back home to Paradise and our true nature, essence, soul family, and Beloveds & UNITE AS ONE COSMIC FAMILY AGAIN! Free of all discord, wars, divisions caused by differences in beliefs and how we perceive things, free of all judgments and fragmentation, separation and victim-victimizer consciousness! For the Forerunners fully resolve this now within their own God-Self for good, on behalf of all! For


THISNIS THE FINAL EXODUS but as the tables have been turned, this time around, as the beginning meets the end, IT’S THE END, exodus and extraction FOR THE INVADERS and those that have commited grace crimes against humanity and the sanctity of life. Those who abused their powers to hurt the innocent, and those that depended on their leadership and safe guarding.
This session is mainly focusing on THE FINAL BIG ASTRAL CLEAN UP; clearing of astral infiltration and inter-FEAR-ence patterns running in the field. Connected to traumas and wounds and fear based programming. REMOVING ALL REMAINING ENTITIES, ATTACHMENTS, DEMONIC ENTITIES, VAMPIRES, FALLEN ANGELICS etc.
All hooks, cords, bindings, all the karmic residue and connections to and from our experiences in the fear Matrix are being fully dissolved and cleared. These attachments and entities actually were a part of keeping us safe and protected whilst living in this upside down world, as different rules applied. Now we all get to go home, fully reset, begin again, and play other roles, as

For this you have to CUT all your cords, attachments and connections to the false realities.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy ascensionglossary.com

The Orion Group is a Satanic force that has a predatorial ideology that uses females as slaves or breeders, while seeking territorial dominion on other planets within their warring and killing culture. Their position in the NAA and its consortium of Negative Aliens is called the Black Sun Program. They are a predator force with a predator mind which is mainly responsible for creating much of the Negative Ego in humanity through Mind Control programming, in which they got a stronghold in the Earth during the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. As a result, they use Egyptian Curses connected to the human holocaust timelines as a means to continue to Blank Slate and enslave human consciousness. The Black Suns from Orion Group have introduced financial and Debt Enslavement to planet earth through the banking cartels to enforce consciousness enslavement on a Prison Planet. These Archontic Deception Strategies to enslave humanity through debt and poverty mind control is enforced by the human representatives of the NAA.
There is a requirement of the intentional witnessing of the untangling and removal of alien structures that are connected to Egyptian Black Magic and human holocaust timelines. It’s really incredible to understand how much influence in our world is connected to what happened in Egypt— this was a massive event in our timelines.
The progressive development generated by the corrections made to the Ruby Sun DNA appear to have specialized functions that operate in the Albion Lightbody as Ruby Templar restorations in red and violet crystalline networks, supporting the organic timelines to rise in the Albion and United Kingdom. As the Orion Matrix AI and the Alnilam star were reclaimed by Emerald Guardians, it was registered that the Orion AI program was linked to the Saturn-Moon matrix that was controlling Babylonian Money Magic through the financial headquarters in London, and this further connected into astral portals being controlled under Westminster Abbey.

The Telosians via Marie Josée Andichou #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

We are happy to meet you again, dear children of planet Earth. As you know, there is currently a very powerful increase in Celestial Energies towards the Earth and its inhabitants.

These Energies are somewhat stirring up a large number of you, either through poor sleep, repeated fatigue or small, annoying physical problems. If all this is happening, it is important that your bodies adapt to the Crystalline Energies that are coming towards you, enveloping you but transforming your bodies.

Some of you are wondering if carbon bodies will still exist or if they will be replaced by crystalline bodies. We will tell you this: the energies of the third dimension that you are leaving, were of a heaviness due to the carbon included in your cells. But the human being growing in the understanding of True Life sees his cells, his DNA transmuted into Crystalline Energy.
The New Earth requires that the linear time that you live disappear in order to project you into the time of True Life, the time where everything is lived at the same time: past, present and future. This is difficult to understand for you who have lived for eons to the rhythm of hours, days and months. Of course, it is not tomorrow that you will live non-time but it is being strongly prepared and you have proof of it by the speed with which your days unfold.
Of course, as we have already said, this will come to you after the almost total dissolution of the embezzlement, manipulation and thoughtless lies that are continuously inflicted on you by those who still want to lead you into decadence. But, as you know, as we have already told you many times, the lives of all these humans, yet very… very few in number, will find themselves facing the end of their desires for power over you. We know that they are trying everything right now and for a few more months, but these are the surges of the hunted being who no longer knows how to get out of this imbroglio in which he has gotten himself lost.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

According to Islam
Allah showed the people of Meccah a miracle
By having the moon break apart
Then sealing itself back up

Stories of the moon splitting in 2
Or the appearance of 2 moons
Or the moon causing the sun to dance
Should motivate you to question the reality of what we are told

We have always had interactions with the greater earth
And we call those beings extra terrestrial

The Grays are humanoid mixed with AI and insectoid beings
The Grays create the technology used by AI and reptilians

There is no such thing as countries
Everything in the frequency fence is run by reptilians
And the 13 families who have sold their soul to them

We are in a simulated reality
Whose original blueprint has been distorted

Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune are plasma portals for Source energy
Which transmits our organic reality into our realm

Moons are not rocky terra firma that you can land on and walk around on
They are craft that beam high energy rays
Which will alter the projections emitted by the portals

We have become ghosts in the machine
Phantoms of our former selves
Running on low vibration to serve as a perpetual power source

Dwarf planets such as Makemake are craft
When Makemake aligns with Black Moon Lilith in the south node of Libra later this month
It is supposed to have a huge impact on our deep psyche

It is not some random conjunction
It is a deliberate act by advanced beings to metamorphosize our consciousness

Uranus at the same time will go into retrograde motion
This unexplained phenomena is the result of the manipulation of magnetic fields

Venus is programmed to create life
Mars was programmed to get uploads from Venus

Our new bright white hexagonal sun
Is because of sun simulators
And part of the holographic sky playbook

Tap into universal truths
Explore the uncharted territory of alien worlds

Feel the spray of cosmic waters
Seek out patterns of secret codes

Sail into the billowing winds with courage
Interpret ancient obelisks

Valerie Donner/Lumina #crackpot #ufo #magick #mammon #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

Dear ground crew, on August 28, 2024, I, Valerie Donner along with Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation, was given the order to create the following Proclamation of Abundance:










Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

The Phoenix has many counterparts

The Tartarian Griffin
The Egyptian winged disc Horus
The lion headed serpent Sphinx
The Macaw bird seated on a giant Nanka tree
The Thunderbird on his luminous tree
And Raven on the Totem Pole

A pinched plasma will break into a stack of toroids
Which are joined by a central bar

The toroids then flatten and curl up at the ends
Like the branches of a tree

When the aurora at the center of the world arises in full strength
It is accompanied by electrophonic sounds and ephemeral flashes

And becomes a luminous ethereal column of wind fire and water
And a visual celestial plasma current around which the circumpolar stars revolve

In the Pistis Sophia
The Venus goddess was deluded by the demiurge
Because of its resemblance to the true light of faith

The Tree of Life lingered in front of
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Lucifer originally was the beguiling serpent
Then later became the destructive aspect of Mars

He was pure fire and light
Sent out to stir the divine spirit

The enhanced high energy aurora materialized into visible light
From an influx of charged particles
Resulting in a giant atmospheric plasma tube

As planets magnetically drifted toward the center electrical column
They became the gods and goddesses of myth and religion
Interacting with the north polar axis

The very first verse of Genesis
Barit bar Elohim
Translates to In the beginning the gods created

Elohim is plural
It means gods or lords

Genesis 1:26 says
Let us make man in our own image
According to our own likeness

The use of plural pronouns
Implies Yahweh was not alone!

Andrea #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

My name is Andrea. Like many others, I have been on the spiritual path for DECADES.

Since then there have been constant prophecies, predictions and visions.

Then for months EBS, QFS etc. All well and good. But unfortunately nothing is happening. Yes, I know. Sooooooooooooo much is happening behind the scenes.

I also know about Project Looking Glass. Great ideas, everything is great. But here too, secrecy, collecting ideas, but 3D is still going strong. Instead of carrying out or allowing the SEPARATIONS announced ages ago between those who have no consciousness at all, little consciousness, and higher, very high consciousness, ……..3D is still going strong here…..
Too many have 3D consciousness – and don’t WANT to change.
There should finally be a spaceship landing where all the spaceship members introduce themselves and also give the opportunity to visit the interior of a spaceship

And those who have the consciousness and want to get away from this 3D planet should finally be given the opportunity to come on board and do a service.

Or, for all I care, a portal that opens and allows those who are full of light and have the corresponding consciousness to pass through. So that SEPARATIONS can finally TAKE PLACE instead of us, who have worked on ourselves, being confronted with 3D on a daily basis.

And now – although I for one have not watched or listened to mainstream news for ages – all the sleepers are waking up. And I STILL see what is going on here in 3D. You have to be afraid of where you go so that you don’t become a victim of these knife attacks. Even though you no longer go out in the evenings. Even though you might just pop into the supermarket. Even though you are careful where you go.

If I could create a portal, I would – and take those who want to come with me.

I want the separation between 3D people and those who want to develop spiritually to be completed!!! So that we can finally live in peace, freedom and harmony!

Alex Collier #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #mammon alexcollier.org

Alex hosted his 57th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on August 23rd, 2024. The webinar was just over two hours and 41 minutes in length. Hosted by James Harkin from AlexCollier.org and the former radio host for Wolf Spirit Radio JayPee.

In just over two hours and forty-one minutes, Alex answered 38 questions. Some of the questions had multiple parts, so Alex spent time answering these questions thoroughly. Due to character limits in the description, here are the top 15 questions that have been paraphrased and voted up by webinar attendees:

Do you know anything about what is happening at Quantum Healing Systems?
Are there any updates regarding the soul trap previously used on Earth?
Will flowers and other vegetation be affected by the new sun frequency?
Do you see a black swan event happening before the end of the year?
Have certain people been cut off from their spiritual connection to their higher self and soul connection?
Who is The Heritage Foundation that has influenced presidents, including President Donald J. Trump?
Are members of the English Royal Family of shape-shifting reptilian descent?
Why was the Brunson Supreme Court case report released after President Joe R. Biden dropped his reelection bid and not before?
What will happen in Ukraine and Israel if those countries allied with BRICS launch a new financial system?
Are there 6,000 US Marshals in Washington, DC?
What can you tell us about the new replicators being developed?
Is there any update to the Quantum Financial System and the revaluation of the world's currencies? Will there still be fraud and manipulation?
Has the US Patent Office been liberated to free the suppressed technologies?
Is AI malevolent or benevolent, and is the race towards artificial intelligence good for humanity?
Do you know why President Donald J. Trump looks so healthy and fit?
And many more!

<Only 6 dollars!>

Forward In Faith Church International Incorporated and Rev. Fiona Arthurs #fundie #homophobia #quack #magick #sexist edinburghlive.co.uk

A church body that carries out "gay exorcisms" as conversion therapy and believes in witchcraft is expanding in Scotland after launching its headquarters in Edinburgh

Forward In Faith Church International Incorporated (FIFCII) has bought premises in Edinburgh and has plans to set up ministries in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Fife[…]
Scotland is currently seeking to legally end conversion therapy - that seeks to meddle with any individual's gender identity or sexual orientation

However, as the Daily Record reports, the FIFCII has been accepted by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)[…]
The Pentecostal model church, which has a huge following in Zimbabwe, where it was formed by "Apostle" Ezekiel Guti in 1960 and known as ZAOGA[…]
Its ministers also regularly oversee miracles, which allow crippled people to suddenly walk and all manner of ailments to be suddenly cured at mass evangelical gatherings

Two overseers for Scotland have been appointed - seeking to set up in Glasgow, Fife, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. Premises have already been bought in Edinburgh for a Scottish HQ[…]
The website of FIFCII describes the exorcism of a man possessed by a "homosexual spirit"

One "Apostle's Update" blog post on the charity's website in 2017 describes how the spirit "bound him for many years" but that he was freed during a "miracle night" in St Kitts and Nevis[…]
Another blog entry describes the 'deliverance' of a 14 year old girl in Zimbabwe who was taken nightly to "eat human flesh and drink human blood" as part of a 'witchcraft' ritual[…]
A blog from 2015 praises the deliverance of 17 people in Zimbabwe from "spiritual husbands, bitterness, homosexuality, witchcraft, satanism - to mention a few"[…]
In another blog, Pastor Fiona Arthurs sets out a wife's responsibilities in a sermon titled 'A Wise Woman's Responsibility'

It says sex is "the very reason" for marriage, adding: "When we said 'I do' we were saying 'I do' to his desire for sex

NEIOH via Family of Taygeta #ufo #magick #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy twitter.com

We Understand That This Message Will Not Be Received By Those With An Agenda To Destroy Humanity. We Communicate Truth And Will Meet You Where You Are In Understanding. It Doesn’t Matter Where You Live On Planet Earth As This Teaching Of A Dark Agenda Will Be Relevant To All Souls In Form. This Agenda Might Seem Political But In Truth It Is Spiritual Warfare. These Are The Last Days In Your Current Density.
The Agenda Of The Dark Forces Is Fueled By The Evil Intent Of Oppisheklio And Pidkozox. The Demonic Realm Is Real. If You Believe In Purity, Power And The Creative Force Of All That Is Good, Then Understand The Counterpart Is Real And Active. Scriptures Speak Of The Rapture, The Tribulation And Any Number Of Names Of God As Noted In All Parts Of The World. These Are The Dark Moments Of Prophecy. The Rapture Is A Picture Of The Grand Shift That Will Be.
The Cabal Reaches Far And Wide Among Nations. The Agenda Of Darkness Is A Web Of Deceit.
The Agenda Of Darkness Parades As Freedom And Yet This Liberal Agenda Is Destroying Lives. They Wish To Destroy Your Children By S*********g Them In Their Innocence. The Sacred Soul Chooses Their Gender And Many Precious Children Are Being Victimized With S****l Images, Videos And Suggestions That They Might Just Be The Opposite Gender. Parents Are Being Left Out Of Any Decisions As Laws Are Passed To Give Schools The Authority Over The Lives Of Children.
Immigrants Are Souls That Have Become Front And Center In Discussions And Conflict. Open Borders Have Caused Greater T*********g Of Humans And Drugs. These People Should Never Be Allowed To Enter Regions To Vote, Take Jobs And Housing From Citizens Or Sleep In The Streets. This Is Not To Say That They Are Not Worthy Of Assistance. But For Countries That Have Strived To Have Freedom And Make Decisions With Voting And Everyday Life, Illegal Immigration Is Wrong. It Has Never Been An Issue For Citizenship, But Chaos And Voting Is The Agenda At Hand.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

n this meditation we are addressing exploitable areas for elemental corruption used by lunar forces to run theBaphomet Network, and applying Krystal Star Tetramorphic Amplifiers for sealing and correcting the atomic body and instinctual body layers. This is a holographic instruction set for supporting corrected Tetramorphic patterns as required for Diamond Sun lightbody correction. We call upon and bring to mind the Hierogamic Union Tetramorphic amplifiers of Mother Arc, Yod of Father God and the Double Diamond Sun Body. Bring to mind the Mother Arc; her Tetramorphic or Animal symbol is a Bi-Pedal Feline or White Lion wearing a bejeweled Aurora Krystal Platinum Breastplate. (Base Tone). I AM THAT I AM. Bring to mind the Yod of Father God; his Tetramorphic or Animal Symbol is a Bi-pedal Golden Eagle with Spread Wings, wearing a Gold Solomon Shield with an encrusted Diamond Heart Breastplate. (Overtone & Resonate Tone). I AM THAT I AM. Bring to mind the Double Diamond Sun Body; Mother and Father’s Sun, a Diamond Krystal Sphere of Liquid Plasma, the Tetramorphic Symbol is a Perfected Eternal Human Being, which is both male and female, wearing a haloed Aurora Crown, emanating a rainbow Aurora Krystal Shield, holding the Earth Globe in both outstretched palms. (Resonant Tone). I AM THAT I AM. Aquareion is an Andromedan Amplifier, used by Christos or Oraphim Starseeds to help restore the architecture towards unification between the masculine and feminine counterparts, to build the hierogamic template, to reunite theChristos-Sophiathroughout the Universal Time Matrix. AquaSAreion works in conjunction with the Andromedan offspring/seed code chromosomal template as part of female Sophianic body corrections and supports an entire re-patterning of the brain waves, building the trinity circuitry in the brain that is the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal gland, as well as vitalizing the myelin sheath functions of the CNS.

<$11.00 per download>

The United Sabaeans Worldwide #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #god-complex unitedsabaeansworldwide.com

We are The United Sabaeans Worldwide and we welcome you to our website. We Are A People And Government Of Retained Sovereigns. We have been serving communities far and wide in the upliftment of humanity, providing subject learning forums and classes on many and diverse subjects, to increase self awareness and to create a better life.
We, The United Sabaeans Worldwide, are a people of ancient ancestry, linking all the way back to ancient Antarctica (The Egg Island), Africa and beyond.
We Sabaeans link and practice our way of life, knowing that we have family-relatives from the stars, like many of the stories of old have proclaimed.
We, The United Sabaeans Worldwide, are devoted to the upliftment of humanity. We are animist as well as ontologists, aligning ourselves with the vibrations of nature, the earth and cosmos. We tie into our family and blood link by way of one of our great ancestral mothers; the Egyptian ruler; Queen of Sheba, also known as Makeda and Maa’at’ Kaa’ah’ Rayay. Her throne name was known as; Hatshepsut of Egypt, in which she ruled a vast empire. We, The United Sabaeans Worldwide, aim to raise the mentality of humans beyond this illusionary world, and our goal is to help transform earth’s polarity, from the pole of negativity to the pole of positivity, via the means and propagation of ONLY truth and facts.

For over 50 years, we have been uniquely taught and guided in our way of life; Wu-Sabat, by Paa Munbab (The Master): Bah’ Bah’ Yaanuwn, also known as H.E. Dr Malachi Z. K. York. Our culture and way of life is rich, entailing our very own ancient language; Misbatiya (Sabaic). Wu-Sabat is the science of the original creative forces, in which and with the universe was grown, the original forces of 9 ether of the African people in general. These forces gives you the power and authority within yourselves that are strong enough to help liberate you from adverse and deceptive forces and make our own people free and equal to each other.

Dr. Francis Myles #fundie #magick #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Tear down unholy altars and close the enemy’s entryways into your life!

Do you feel like invisible barriers are keeping you from the life you want? This may be the result of hidden, evil altars in the spirit-realm. An “altar” is not simply a physical object used for religious or occultic practice; it’s an invisible entry point that grants forces of darkness access to your life by partnering with the enemy.

In Dangerous Prayers from the Courts of Heaven that Destroy Evil Altars, Dr. Francis Myles teaches you to tear down these unholy altars, breaking free from many areas of sin and bondage. By praying through a framework of “dangerous prayers,” Dr. Myles teaches you to enter the courts of Heaven and claim Jesus as your legal advocate in the spirit realm.

Discover how to:
Operate in the Law of Dominion
Be victorious in the Battle of Altars
Appropriate the mystery of the Seven Drops of Jesus’ blood
Additionally, Dr. Myles has crafted more than 35 powerful, interactive Courts of Heaven activation prayers that will close the enemy’s gates over your life.

These Dangerous Prayers will help you destroy the altars of:
Sexual perversion.
Infirmity and Sickness.
Familiar spirits.
Premature death.
Marriage Breakers.
False Prophecies.
Demonic Spirits (including Jezebel, Leviathan, and Delilah).
…and many others!
You don’t have to wait another day for someone else to lay hands on you. Take hold of your own deliverance and walk in freedom today!

Silke Wetz #fundie #magick youtube.com

[As always, errors are intentional as translations of bad original German.]

To REMEMBER, who WE are, for that use “your little Earth life” Herein we support the MASTERS and TEACHERS of the divine, impersonal SELF, those who have already remembered the ONE EXISTENCE like Jesus, Mary Magdalene and e.g. Ramana Maharshi. The call for us to do as they did and for that they teach us the way of truth through forgiveness & salvation of the illusory appearance of a separate Self that hast lost the way home because it identifies with the Finite, Temporary, Weak and Perishable, with the body and the World of Forms. The veil of forgetting would be lighted through by a new EXPERIENCE of EXISTENCE, herein the non-dual lore Jesus of “A Course In Miracles” and the art of longevity and of blissed living through the harmonisation of Live’s Flow with the Japanese healing streäm (Jin Shin Jyutsu).
In this video, I want to remind You of the “simply” just EXISTING that is the key to eternal peace and bliss and share with you what in this helps me again and again

Original GermanSich zu ERINNERN, was WIR sind, dafür nutze "dein kleines Erdenleben" Hierin unterstützen uns die MEISTER und LEHRER des göttlichen, unpersönliches SELBST, die sich bereits erinnert haben an das EINE SEIN wie Jesus, Maria Magdalena und z.B. Ramana Maharshi. Sie rufen uns auf, es ihnen gleich zu tun und dafür lehren sie uns den Weg der Wahrheit durch Vergebung & Erlösung der illusionären Erscheinung eines getrennten Selbst, das den Weg nach Hause verloren hat, weil es sich mit dem Endlichen, Zeitlichen, Sterblichen, Schwachen und Verweslichen, mit dem Körper und der Welt der Formen identifiziert. Der Schleier des Vergessens wird durch eine neue ERFAHRUNG des SEINS durchlichtet, hierin unterstützen uns die nonduale Lehre Jesus von "Ein Kurs in Wundern" und die Kunst der Langlebigkeit und des Glücklichseins durch das Harmonisieren des Lebensflusses mit dem Japanischen Heilströmen (Jin Shin Jyutsu).
In diesem Video möchte ich Euch an das "einfach" nur so SEIN erinnern, das der Schlüssel zum ewigen Frieden und Glückseligkeit ist und mit Euch teilen, was mir darin immer wieder hilft

Soul:Ask #crackpot #magick #conspiracy soulask.com

On August 8, 2024, at 07:42 UTC, Japan experienced an earthquake exceeding magnitude 7 on the Richter scale.

Recently, the first conspiracy theorists have withdrawn from the discussion, notably The End Times Forecaster, also known as William Frederick, M. DIV. He published a piece a few days ago that was not so much an article but rather a compendium of historical retrospectives – a series of articles he had previously written about the peculiar number 4420.

William Frederick initially highlighted this number in the movie “2012”:

Conspiracy theorists claim to have discovered a code that predicts when one must evacuate cities 2
The number appears repeatedly throughout the film, either explicitly or implicitly. For instance, in the scene where the escaping protagonists board a chartered plane, the clock reads 7:22.

Conspiracy theorists claim to have discovered a code that predicts when one must evacuate cities 3
Seven hours and twenty-two minutes equal 60 times 7 plus 22, which is 442 minutes.

The discovery led William Frederick to review the film in reverse, paying close attention to specific phrases at pivotal moments. For instance, at the 44:20 mark, the line “California goes into the ocean…” is spoken.
Conspiracy theorists claim to have discovered a code that predicts when one must evacuate cities 4
At first glance, this appears to be speculation from Mr. William Frederick. The number 4420 is indeed peculiar and warrants attention. However, why should we add 4420 days to the date of December 21, 2012? Perhaps there’s no need to add it at all – maybe it’s meant to be interpreted differently?
Thus, it is suggested that William Frederick possesses some numerological prowess. Although he did not disclose all the Illuminati’s secrets, the number 4420 is shrouded in ambiguity and has become the focus of certain rituals. It is even conjectured that the so-called ‘Mother of All Earthquakes’ might occur on January 28, 2025.

HealingTools4You #magick #ufo #sexist #mammon etsy.com

Speak Venusian ( Understand Womens Language 100%)

Women have their own language for quite along time , also women are more socially intelligent then men , most women at least. I came across an mp3 that let’s you think like a woman , but it was created with the intention for transgenderism. I want too still be myself , but speak Venusian with perfection.
26 Audio Spells:

Extreme attraction – – this has similar power output to 700ct but it’s for attraction, the extreme attraction, and main goal is: sex. It can be something insane, (of course set for attracting/manifesting women for love/sex relationships).
gain favors
learn fast
learn languages
fun in learning
boost intelligence
power erotic male
boost sexual arousal
a new love
excellent communication skills
quick correct response
gain important evidence
Programmed with these chi energy suggestions:
I am now a master of communication with the opposite sex
I now speak Venusian naturally with clarity
I now manifest the ability to understand women and their secret language now and always
I now understand the secret meaning behind women’s language
I now know what women want
I now manifest the ability to know what women want just like Mel Gibson in the movie what women want
I now manifest the ability to know what women want on deeper subconscious and conscious levels
I now the develop the ability to read women’s mind with clarity
I now use my ability to read women’s mind for the highest good
I now manifest the ability to read women’s mind emotions thoughts and body language in all dimensions perfectly
I now manifest the ability to hear what women think
In AT3 (Audio Talisman) there are two trance engines, quite heavy ones, and another pretty strong one based on Silent4D Image Mp3s. Dynamic music.
In mp3s for listening via headphones, there is light trance engine and one light Silent4D Image Mp3s engine. More ambient, so it is applicable to listen while doing other things.

:The-Great-Work. #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com

There are two primary methods of influence in the occult world – Magick and Sorcery (or Lesser Magick) – which share the same definition except for one slight difference in terms.

Magick is: the science and art of causing change to occur in accordance with the Will.

Sorcery is: the science and art of causing change to occur in accordance with the will.

While the words are the same, the intent is what differentiates them. For example, teaching Natural Law and sharing knowledge to the world (especially from a distance) in order to cause a positive change can be considered an act of Magick because it aligns with the uppercase-w “Will” of Creation. It’s using intentional energy and the voice in the service of truth and humanity as a whole, to uplift human consciousness. On the other hand, Sorcery would be making use of the same knowledge to serve the lowercase-w egoic “will” of selfish desire. Sorcery would utilize the subversive use of imagery, color, symbolism and language to manipulate and control minds such as in mainstream media (news, adverts, entertainment, etc).
And while we’re all distracted and emotionally tense over these “crises,” they are pushing forth their agenda to widen control (medical tyranny, increased dependency on technology, centralized digital currency, uniting countries/governments, increasing police/military power, etc). And anyone who speaks out against it is framed as the enemy. It’s a classic cult technique. Government is and always has been a mind-control cult serving as the strong-arm of the dark occult priest class.

All of it, ultimately, is a stepwise progression (that’s been going on for ages) towards total human enslavement. The use of health pandemics, terrorism, war, mass shootings, and all the other psy-ops are to de-moralize, de-humanize, de-populate, divide, and control. It’s no longer conspiracy “theory” when you finally begin to see the patterns, tactics, and methodologies being used.

Natalia Alba #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Our Guardians the White Elohim are supporting the biological shift that is taking place in our DNA and that the earth’s elementals are too undergoing, for we are All shifting and evolving as species.

We have been constantly receiving Solar plasmatic and Aurora transmissions together with the Emerald ones that have triggered the planetary change that many of us are now witnessing, behind the physical scenes.

The White Elohim are re-encrypting the original template of our planet, as it continues relocating itself in a harmonic fifth-dimensional plane. We were created in their image, as divine sovereign beings, as well as planet Earth, all in perfect resonance and alignment, and they are now assisting us to retrieve our authentic template through restoring the trinity on our planet.
Many of you are awakening to your lineage, and remembrance of your galactic family, reconnecting to the White Elohim, and activating your purpose as planetary transmuters, by assisting to retrieve the organic essence in All, for we are now being bombarded with false technology like AL, etc., which is a new tactic together with that of cloning what is authentic, to distort what is divine in essence.
We are undergoing a massive planetary retrieval that will take time to be completed. Still, we are already seeing the retrieval of many 3D earth’s structures, becoming crystalline ones and being realigned to their corresponding dimensions, for the exchange of information and hence communication between the many God Planes that exist is Law, and we are now retrieving our divine right to be in contact with All That Is, and all the false timelines are gradually being dismantled.

The White Elohim are working with many of you on genetic realignments and recoding on our planet, for its original blueprint was non-benevolently intentionally distorted.

Paul White Gold Eagle #magick #ufo #crackpot #quack #conspiracy primedisclosure.com

Greetings Royal Queens and Kings of our Holy Nation of the New Lemuria
We begin this fiery new month of the 8 of Leo and the Lions Gate Portal with wave after wave of Gamma Plasma Liquid Adamantine Light flowing directly from the Great Central Sun and through our local Soularis with over 13 M Class Soular Flares in the last 24 hours with the most powerful maxing at M 8.24 at 7:09 UTC.

These Quantum Flashes of Holy Fire are flowing through all our Starseed Ground Crew Earth Angelics of the 144 and deep into the Crystalline Core of Gaia.

We also had major spiking of Higher Resonance on the Schumann Charts as Mother Earth’s “heartbeat” reached amplitudes of 22 hz, 54 hz and a big blast of white light at 60 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchored in and holding steady and stable as we complete our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation.

Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire in her Crown Chakra of Lemuria with a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Sand Point, Alaska at 10:03 UTC.

A Higher Vortex of benevolence in the Sun has opened today to connect and call in our Legions of Light to assist in the clean up of all interference patterns and their perpetrators!

Our Lion and Dragon Kingdoms and Queendoms unite as a collective Alliance as the Eagle flies with the Condor to usher in our New 5D Golden Age of Eternal Life.

Fear Not, Keep the Faith BroThors and SiStars of the Light for we are all in this together and are walking each other Home to our New Heaven upon the New Earth and we cannot fail for “Only Love is Real”…A’Ho!

Brent D. Cates #wingnut #magick #conspiracy brentcates.substack.com

It’s Friday morning, July 26th, 2024 as I sit down at my workstation to compile my thoughts on where I am on this unfolding #SoulWAR.
And the GREAT NOTICING will continue as THE GREAT UNRAVELING on the attempted assassination on President Trump that was ALLOWED to happen coincides with more recent revelations on how the HAMAS attack of October 7th that was ALLOWED to happen as well as the attacks of 9-11 that were ALLOWED to happen.

After 23 years new, never before seen footage of the World Trade Center collapse of both towers has SUDDENLY appeared.

Showing to anyone but the brain dead it was a controlled demolition.
May I remind people the US Government has access to technologies they don’t yet let you play around with that are 20+ years ahead of anything you are ALLOWED to see?

So this is where we are.

9-11 ALLOWED to happen.

Massive political capital for these super criminals to take advantage of.

October 7th ALLOWED to happen.

The attempt to publicly execute Donald Trump for his innumerable crimes against their NAZI WORLD ORDER was ALLOWED to happen.

Before I continue I must mention this.

There are aspects of RITUAL throughout all of this.

When Anons tell you kid fucking Luciferians are running the World, please don’t take that as some fanciful narrative for a TV Show.

It is REAL.


They are on a ACTUAL Dark Crusade to defeat Our Creator and enslave humanity.

And were on track to achieving that victory until Trump arrived to deliberately stop them.

They intend to use the TRILLIONS they have stolen to find ways via tech and medicine to LIVE PHYSICALLY FOREVER while raping and sacrificing your children.

Without FEAR of being exposed or overthrown.

To do these things IN PEACE.

Humanity in THRALL.

Once their Orange Adversary was put down once and for all.

9-11 = #RITUAL.

The Reveal #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

We, the organic human, lost control of Creation due to religion’s worthless concepts of spirituality that the demonic hybrid human serpent seed bloodlines created for us. We are Love and are genetically encoded with Righteousness.

In the beginning, we created this beautiful and perfect earth but we have been dumbed down to the point that we’ve forgotten who we really are.

Trump is a construct of what mankind has been hopping for thousands of years. Trump is the perfect deception. Trump is the savior of manking, that through religion, we’ve been programmed to believe. Trump is the antichrist.

Trump has been groomed to facilitate their next step of evolution known as the New World Order. For thousand of years we’ve been given the illusion that good has defeated evil while pedophiles get their fill with our children underground. In this realm, no one is saving our kids.

We go to church every week to temples built by hands thinking that “god” will save our children but that’s a lie. We are the guardians of creation but we sold out to the worthless consepts of religion. We created this realm but we’ve been dumbed down to the point that we don’t remenber. The demonic human has been able to manipulate mankind to do its biddiding. Unless we understand how we surrendered our discernment to the doctrines of vipers, we will never be able to take back what’s ours…..CREATION

Medeea Greere #magick #ufo #quack amg-news.com

In the intricate dance of life, few organs are as revered and mysterious as the human heart. Beyond its biological function of pumping blood, the heart is a powerful electromagnetic entity. It resonates with the universe, pulsating in harmony with cosmic frequencies, and creating an energetic field that envelopes our being. This article delves into the fascinating intersection of the heart’s electromagnetic properties, frequencies, and the enigmatic concept of the aether, revealing the profound connections that bind us to the cosmos.
Frequencies play a crucial role in our perception of reality. For example, the frequency of sound waves determines the pitch we hear, while the frequency of light waves determines the colors we see. Beyond our sensory perception, frequencies also govern the behavior of subatomic particles and the vast cosmic phenomena that define the universe. Everything in existence resonates with a specific frequency, contributing to a grand symphony of vibrations that make up the fabric of reality.
In the grand symphony of life, the heart plays a pivotal role as both a biological organ and an energetic powerhouse. Its electromagnetic field resonates with the frequencies of the universe, connecting us to a vast, intricate web of energy and information. From the rhythmic pulse of bio-electricity that sustains our bodies to the subtle vibrations that shape our experiences, the heart is at the center of it all.

As we deepen our understanding of the heart’s electromagnetic properties and the profound role of frequencies, we open ourselves to new possibilities for healing, growth, and connection. The journey into this realm is not just a scientific exploration but a spiritual one, inviting us to tune into the subtle energies that permeate our existence.

Let us honor the wisdom of the heart, embrace the power of frequencies, and celebrate the interconnectedness of all things.

George Kavassilas/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In 2006, George Kavassilas was taken to the Moon by a negative extraterrestrial faction and was able to break free of the many technologies used by them to control him and confront their leader, a powerful Draconian Reptilian. He was able to defeat the Draconian by connecting with his core soul essence and awakening him to his true history through many lives. Kavassilas explains how this incident sent shock waves through the Draconian Empire as it was realized that awakened humans have an innate spiritual power that transcends the control technologies used by them.

In his latest Exopolitics Today interview, Kavassilas describes Jesus of Nazareth as a composite being and how religion creates false gods that siphon away the Christ consciousness energy of the millions of followers that worship them. He also explains how these false gods are returning through a staged second coming involving Jesus. Kavassilas also describes how King Charles III was taken over by a very dark entity at the end of July 2024 who will use him to stage the last stand of the global cabal through scripted events described in the Book of Revelations and the appearance of an Antichrist.

George Kavassilas is an extraterrestrial contactee who also has been abducted by US and Australian government agencies wanting to learn about his experiences. He learned about the pyramid hierarchy controlling our planet and how different ET races perpetuate these hierarchies in both direct and indirect ways. He believes that by only following a heart-centric path of universal reconnection will we truly be free of the many control hierarchies asserting themselves over humanity.

Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence.

Artemis via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Children of the flame, of the bow, of the arrow, I am Artemis. The ascension changes are coming upon you quickly now as the thinning of the veils between worlds grows impossibly thin. Your reality is changing rapidly as these separations that you took for granted no longer remain. Hence you will begin to see through the illusions of the computer, of the shape shifter, of the skin walker. You will see them. And they will see you. This is part of the revelations and realizations that humanity will understand and experience as they realize they are in a computer game, a very sophisticated one but a program nonetheless.

You who are awake are aware of these. For how else could Source devise a way to experience the many divisions of itself within a lower dimensional matrix? It was never designed to be this dark but at the same time it has heralded a vast smorgasbord of experiences, of pain yes but of intense pleasure and joy as well. You are here embodied to make sure this goes right. I am coming forth tonight on the night of the goddess as her moon rises full, to remind you of all that is possible and to keep your eyes on your mark. Your mark is ascension. Your mark is not pleasure, or money or pain.
I am Artemis. Remember your aim, prepare your bow. Grease the cord, ready your arrows. This is not the place for shaky breath and weak hands. This is the time of the warrior and this time is now returned. It is a long time coming and it is finally here. We goddesses have been waiting for our handpicks to remember to speak, to fully embody themselves. You are about to remember more fully day by day who you truly are. The goddesses and gods returned, filled with the Christed light, filled with the alchemical codes of the Druids, of the origins of the beginning, with the fabric of life and the codes of it flowing through you most readily, just like they used to in the days of creation when you assisted with this project.

Gatekeepers of the Lion’s Gate via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo voyages-of-light.com

(A great indigo blue glowing lion with the universe in his eyes is guarding a gate. I see a tall arched gateway that is also glowing blue. Beside him is a white lioness, who is glowing like a diamond, with slightly longer fur that is blowing in the wind. She is wearing a delicate golden crown. The male lion speaks first.)

Greetings humans in form, this is the auspicious Lion’s Gate Portal of energy streaming from the Sirius system, bathing you in higher dimensional consciousness streams of light that are invigorating those of you who are awakened to them and irritating those who are not yet able to see the light around them. The light that surrounds all things is indeed becoming more bright as the contrasts between the light and the darkness are reaching a crescendo of polarity.
(The white female lioness is speaking.) Children of earth – and of the stars – for those of you who hear my voice and read our words know that these encodements are for your ears and hearts to assist with the great unfolding. We are here for you to serve as mentors energetically. We guard the gate so that it cannot be taken over by those who are not of love. We hold the dimensional frequency of this space quadrant with tenacity and with power. These are attributes that you have but will need to dig more deeply for in the coming days. There will be much change upon Gaia. The stars and planetary alignments foretold of this time. We bear witness to your emerging from the chrysalis. <...>Multidimensionality is very powerful, which is why it had been blocked for you, so that you may experience polarity and linearity within a meatsuit as you call it.
Our bodies are space time construct with the heat of the universe pulsing within, as we are one with our creator but in feline form. You are remembering your oneness now with the great All That Is, with the great Goddess, the great Almighty Force that drives and lives and breathes through us, in us, around us.

Marshall Masters/Michael Decon #crackpot #magick #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

After I told Michael Decon about the Construct Time Jumping technique, I explained it in my article How the Meek Inherit the Earth No. 13—Time Jumping for Freedom. He just said, “My audience will love this. Get your calendar out.”

This technique, which I developed for “diggers,” as I call them, got his attention. They dig for truth like hogs to truffles, and it could also help the whites create a bridge of consensus between the left and the right.

As I explained, Time Jumping is a 3-D technique based on fundamental Remote Viewing concepts. You could call it Remote Researching. But what surprised me is that once you begin doing it, your nagging anxiety over being blindsided becomes very manageable because propaganda is 2-D. When time jumping with my 3-D technique, you see through the elitest precision of language much more quickly.

Please feel free to listen in and enjoy this uplifting interview. Then you decide. Are you a time jumper? If you are a remote viewer, you already know the answer, so no spoilers.

Marshall Masters is a Planet X / Nibiru researcher, radio personality. He publishes Your Own World USA (yowusa.com) Marshall Masters joined Michael Decon to discuss his latest article, “Time Jumping for Freedom.” Marshall Masters discussed his experiences as a remote viewer and his educational journey under the guidance of Ed Dames. Marshall explains how a profound remote viewing session inspired him to author several books that prepare individuals for the impending apocalypse. You don’t want to miss this one.

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #conspiracy eraoflight.com

rected and reborn fully anew, and with it, all of reality shifts for the quantum leap of The One Consciousness completes our hero’s journey all as One!


Now we delete the old version of us and reality at large, and how all was, and start anew with a New Beginner’s Mind. As if seeing everything anew through all-new crystalline clear vision and lenses of perception to return all of reality to its original Innocence and state of consciousness, which is pure Love.

This is how we are now fully quantum merging with our true authentic future God-Self already living on New Ascension Earth, already fully healed and ascended, which is how all is shape-shifting in our realities from the inside out!
We came to HOLD THE LINE!


HOLD THE VISION OF NEW ASCENSION EARTH & ALL ASCENDED out of the false prison Matrix simulation





As we see Source animating all and everything, it’s what we return and what heals all back to it’s original Divine Organic Blueprints!
Imagine Heaven on Earth fully ignited and all new free worlds and limitless quantum realities and possibilities available to us now!

For its all about to become fully manifest and blend into view for real!



April and Jay Matta #magick #ufo #mammon 5deconomy.com

We are April and Jay Matta 5D Mystics, and the visionaries behind SpirituallyRAW, the GnosticTV Network, and accomplished ASEA Double Diamond Executives.

This period, rich in achievements, was undeniably rewarding, yet it beckoned us towards a realization - it was not the ultimate calling of our higher purpose. So, we sold the business and embarked on the SpirituallyRAW journey with no prior experience in broadcasting, no mentors, and no knowledge of social media. It was all trial and error.
SpirituallyRAW became a spark for change and forever altered the course of our lives. Fast forward to April 2020. The Universe planted the broadcasting seed again, and the show was an instant hit.

As of December 2023, we’ve interviewed over 2500 way-showers and messengers from around the globe, delving into the mysteries of life, the universe, and our reality. Despite facing immense censorship, and the loss of multiple YouTube channels, and deleted social media pages and groups, we stood resolute in our mission. Overcoming these challenges, we founded the GnosticTV Network, created the 5D Economy Academy, and became ASEA Double Diamond Executives in twelve months, a record-breaking time!

We are authors of The 12 Universal Laws Decoded: How to Apply Ancient Wisdom for Modern Success and "Abundance Alchemy: Quick" Positive Life Changes for Manifestation Mastery. These two transformative eBooks encapsulate the profound understanding of universal principles and their application for achieving success and abundance in the modern world.

Our journey has led us to a profound understanding: we are neither psychics nor mediums, and we do not rely on tarot cards, pendulums, crystal balls, or other divination tools for insights. Instead, we gain clarity and guidance by channeling our Infinite Higher Self and placing unwavering trust in our Sacred Inner-Being. This approach has not only been our guiding light but also a cornerstone in our path of spiritual and personal evolution.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

During annual August alignments of Leo, the planet undergoes what is called its Magnetic Peak cycle which generally transpires during the week of August 8th to August 15th, with August 12th being the pinnacle wave of magnetic force field transmission. This year’s Magnetic Peak cycle reaches another zenith for extreme levels of planetary electromagnetic amplification that radically shift what mainstream science would define as gravity and gravitational pull, because generally this is described as the resulting interaction between two masses. Generally, science thinks of gravity as the force which is generated by curving of spacetime by all the objects in it, combined with the geodesic or straight motions of those objects through the spacetime. <...>
We are living within the emotional powder keg of the NAA’s backed ruling class archontic strategies and the controlling tyrant’s desperation to divide and conquer the population in order to maintain their global authoritarian control, along with the trickle-down impact of extremely destructive actions, two-tiered lawlessness, viciously insane rhetoric, the use of exaggerated force within disputes that are being felt throughout the microcosm of our personal lives and social interactions. We live during a time where there is an intentional weaponization of words and narratives used for enforcing aggressive censorship and the compelling of free speech that has rendered total confusion and a major bifurcation of reality between many people, as no one is immune to this confusing type of full spectrum disinformation, spin doctoring and gaslighting tactics.
During Leo Solar Alchemy, the purity of the sacred crystal heart’s connection to the eternal flame of solar light ignites the Inner Christos holy spirit to clear and remove all previous karmic agreements and quantum entanglements, miasmatic connections, feed lines, and their parasitic relationships that give power to the false white light and false ascension matrix (FAM).

Alfred Lambremont Webre/Dr. Raymond A. Keller #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel
Manipulates Human Events, Human History,
and the Interlife
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe
and The Omniverse Trilogy
“The word ‘Chronogarchy’ is a neologism that signifies ‘Those Who Rule Through Time,’ or the manipulation of it. These are wizards standing behind curtains and directing the matrix system to which we all find ourselves subjected. The exopolitical expert describes the Chronogarchy as, ‘an interdimensional alliance dedicated to the oppression of the community of human souls, and includes factions in human institutions such as religions, governments, military-intelligence agencies, bloodline families, monarchies, media, medical-pharma, as well as Archonic Spiritual entities, including Fallen Angels, demonic entities, and exophenotypes hostile to the community of human souls such as the Draco Reptilians, Orion Greys, and sentient Artificial Intelligence (AI).’
“In The Chronogarchy, Alfred Lambremont Webre delves into the real nature of space, time and inter-dimensionality. He interviews many of the leading authorities and experiencers in these fields, thereby facilitating an awareness of the people, powers and organizations constituting the network of the Chronogarchy’s existence and helping us to formulate viable defense strategies in the coming years of increasing tribulations. We also learn of the “good guys” helping us from ‘behind the scenes,’ so to speak, thereby pointing to a light of hope at the end of a long, dark tunnel.”

In The Chronogarchy book, Alfred Lambremont Webre demonstrates through eye-witness evidence that U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joseph Robinette Biden were pre-identified by the Chronogarchy secret Presidential Time Travel preidentification program.