[There have been militant Christian groups in the past. They are people who distort the word of God into what they think it means.]
I cannot think of a single time where Christians were militant. I can, however, think of many occasions where the Roman church, aka CATHOLIC, has persecuted people, I just cannot think of any CHRISTIAN groups who were militant.
Hey, if this person can say that people who persecute people aren't Christian, then can I say that the Catholics who persecuted people weren't Catholic? I think I'm going to start using that from now on.
Lemme describe something to you.
Imagine an umbrella. It's labeled Christianity. What ever is underneath that umbrella is grouped into Christianity. There is Protestant, Orthodox, and finally... ROMAN CATHOLIC.
If you're going to be a Christian, at least learn who is also grouped in with you.
So apparently 53% of the world's Christian population isn't actually Christian?
Using this guy's logic I guess we can knock off the 11% of Christians who follow Eastern Orthodoxy as well, then.
And within the remainder, let's eliminate all those lukewarm, liberal churches that teach all those false doctrines.
Which leaves... not much. Kind of a ridiculous argument if you ask me.
Lemme describe something to you.
Imagine an umbrella. It's labeled Christianity. What ever is underneath that umbrella is grouped into Christianity. There is Protestant, Orthodox, and finally... ROMAN CATHOLIC.
Yes, going from the most recent to the oldest groups.
Brother Randy is a grand idiot to claim that Christianity didn't exist until Martin Luther came along.
That's a heck of a gap there between Christ and Martin Luther, during which a lot supposedly happened (including the compilation of the Christian Bible) without any Christians existing.
So we had to make do with Catholics until Martin Luther could come along to invent Christianity, is that it?
~David D.G.
I cannot think
Truer words have never escaped the lips of this Jim Jones' wannabe.
So you can't think of one so one doesn't exist? You are extremely deluded.
David D.G. >>Brother Randy is a grand idiot to claim that Christianity didn't exist until Martin Luther came along.
Actually, I think radical nut-case Baptists, of which the Bro is a card-carrying member, go even further: they don't even recognise mainstream Protestants as Christians, since they're an offshoot of the false post-Constantine Catholic church. They claim the only real Christians are Baptists, who have existed separate from the Catholics since Jesus.
Even mainsteam Baptists don't believe this nonsense. Baptists are no more descended from the "true" pre-Constantine Christian church than Masons are from the builders of the pyramids. It's a myth Bro and his friends have made up in the last few decades.
Remember, when it comes to "proving" how many Christians exist in the world, Fundies ALWAYS class Catholics as Christians to inflate the numbers. At all other times they claim Catholics are Satanists and such. :P
John: Good grief! Man, that's history revision on a massive scale -- and a textbook example of cult building techniques.
The beauty of that particular lie is in its simplicity, as well as its appeal to "original" (i.e., pure and superior) status. It's got no more basis in reality than Star Trek (far less, in my opinion), but I can certainly see people falling for it if they're too young and/or ignorant to know better, especially if they crave that "special" status this sort of brainwashing putatively supplies.
Man, that's diabolically insidious. Whoever first came up with it was either certifiably nuts or one of the most cold-blooded of all "propheteers." If that's the line that Brother Randy promotes, then he definitely gets my vote for Fundie of the Year.
~David D.G.
David: I can't say for sure that the Bro buys the whole revisionist story, but it seems likely. He definitely buys it so far as Catholics are concerned, and he is definitely an ultra-conservative Baptist. His church is listed on 21TNT.com, which contains links to articles like this one: Ancient Baptists , so it's not a bad assumption that he includes mainstream Protestants as "reformed Catholics".
"I love this MILITANT denial of the fact that Catholics are Christians on behalf of many fundies. If Catholics aren't Christian, what are they? Buddhists?"
As a Buddhist who converted from Catholicism, I have to take issue with that!
Catholics are the Original Christians (TM)
How about the War on Iraq that was launched by a Fundie president which has killed thousands of Americans and over a million Iraqis? There was absolutely no reason to start it, especially since Saddam was an opponent of al-Qaida (the Muslim Fundie group responsible for 9/11) who posed no threat to any civilized nation.
@#114965 Random Guy
Actually, if you look closely, I find you'll discover the exact number is... 144,000.
Look! Catholic Church was the original Church. Founded by the Apostle Peter no less. Sorry. But you lose. Protestants are also Christians as well. From them you have the Dark Ages, Crusades, Inquisition, José de León Toral, KKK, Nazis, Neo Nazis, Puritans and Salem witch trials, Oliver Cromwell, Mormon wars, 30 year war, National Liberation Front of Tripura, Ulster Unionist Party, Irish Republican Army, American Patriot Movement, Russian National Unity, Lord's Resistance Army, the Lambs of Christ, Army of God and of course the Spanish Reconquista just to name some.
"I just cannot think of any CHRISTIAN groups who were militant."
Really, what about the KKK, Lord's Resistance Army, or Hutatree?
The witch hunts in history were definitely militant Christians.
Basically, anyone who profess to be Christian but who has NOT sold all their possessions and given the money to the poor yet, has been "distorting the word of God".
Well Catholics are Christians but if you must have it your way
Salem Witch Trials and genocide of Native Americans
Various African countries
Early and mid 90s with abortion clinics being bombed
Robert Dear
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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