The women has no rights when she has a baby. There's not that many women who are going to be damaged by having a baby. It's natural, so therefore it doesn't cause harm. If she didn't want a bady, she didn't have to have one. Simple as that!
Ectopic pregnancy. Interestingly enough, those can be caused by inflammations in the uterus, which can be caused by various STDs. Kinda makes me wonder whether you're opposed to various types of protection from those. Back on topic, in ectopic pregnancies, the fetus never reaches birth. It ends up effectively killing itself by bursting the area on which it has happened to implant. Thus, aborting the pregnancy kills the fetus and saves the mother (who could potentially go on to have other children), as opposed to killing both the mother and fetus.
In summation, you are an idiot. Learn reproductive anatomy and physiology.
Teens-4-Christ...more like Teens in need of a basic lesson in science. Lots of things in life are natural, but not all of them are harmLESS. For instance, death is natural, but I wouldn't call that harmless.
I agree with Adrian: what do you mean she has no rights? That's just...not right.
Nothing in life is simple. I had cancer diagnosed during one pregnancy. You can read my blog about it at the Rational Response Squad. Then I was diagnosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy which left me with a very low EF. If I become pregnant again despite all precautions*, I will certainly die from heart failure. Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's safe.
*A Catholic woman in my support group was not given a Papal dispensation to use birth control or get her tubes tied after having peripartum cardiomyopathy. She died 5 years later after another birth.
"The women has no rights when she has a baby."
The WOMAN DOES have rights whether or not she is a mother.
"There's not that many women who are going to be damaged by having a baby."
Before modern medicine and in countries without modern medical care, one of the major causes of death in women of child-bearing age is child birth.
"It's natural, so therefore it doesn't cause harm."
No, child birth can cause serious injuries or death.
The appendix is natural, too. Hemlock is natural. Rabid wolverines are natural. Falling off a cliff can be natural. Pneumonia is natural.
"If she didn't want a bady, she didn't have to have one. Simple as that!"
I know of no woman who wants a "bady."
As long as good, safe contraceptives and safe, modern medical abortions are available, along with acceptance and enforcement of a woman's right to say no to sex, that sentence is true. Simple as that.
Natural things cause harm all the time. Ever hear of poisonous plants or predatory creatures? Using natural herbs may be an important part of living a healthy life, but by your logic we should make use of all of them or none since it's impossible that one could cause you harm just as it's supposedly near impossible for a mother to die in childbirth in your opinion. Btw, it actually does happen all the time and would to a much greater extent if it were not for "unnatural" medical science.
The women has no rights when she has a baby.
What if it's a female fetus? Those are worthless, right?
WTF?. If a woman, according to you, have not rights when being mothers, don´t expect a birth Blossom.
Okay, here we go again!
The women has no rights when she has a baby.
Firat of all, it's either "women HAVE no rights" or "the WOMAN has no rights". But even IF you got that correct, that still does not excuse the sheer stupidity of what it means. Women do have rights and they fought long and hard for them. Fucktards like you are only a minor annoyance these days. When it comes to a pregnancy, it should only be the pregnant woman who decides how she goes about it. Why, you ask? Because it's her body, moron!
There's not that many women who are going to be damaged by having a baby.
Many women suffer greatly because of ectopic pregnancies and pregnancy related diseases. Your level of compassion is truly abhorrent.
It's natural, so therefore it doesn't cause harm.
Yeah! Cancer is natural too so obviously it doesn't cause harm. Bees are natural too so they cant bite you, and even if they do, your allergy is natural too... so you'll live! Hooray for stupidity! [/sarcasm]
If she didn't want a bady, she didn't have to have one. Simple as that!
I have no way of telling, but I would guess that you are a male. It's easy to tell someone what to do when you're not the one who has to suffer the consequences, isn't it? You fucking fundies need to get a few things through those concrete skulls, but one of the first ones should be this: a pregnancy is the responsibility of both of the parents. Blaming the woman and abandoning her while denying her rights to deal with the pregnancy is one of the vilest, most disgusting things that you can do. The world would be better off without shitsacks like you.
If she didn't want a baby, she didn't have to have one. Duh! That's what pro-choice is all about. But it doesn't sound consistent with what your said before. Make up your mind first.
The women has no rights when she has a baby.
Two points here:
* Learn proper grammar, please.
* Learn that women DO have rights, before, during, and after pregnancy/birth. WOMEN ARE PEOPLE, and they have human rights; no sane person believes otherwise.
"There's not that many women who are going to be damaged by having a baby."
Actually, there are quite a lot of women whose pregnancies carry a degree of risk -- some not so much, others a lot. My ex-wife, for one, tends to have high-risk pregnancies. And whether the number of women risking damage or death is large or small makes no difference when one of them is YOU (or your wife, mother, sister, friend, etc.) suddenly that number is far too high, and it matters a heck of a lot!
This poster not only grossly trivializes the possibilities of death and suffering that many women risk in pregnancy and childbirth, but he or she is blithely assuming a lot of things about the world that are blatantly in conflict with the way it actually works. Time usually has a way of eventually smacking one upside the head to educate one on such matters; in this person's case, I hope this happens sooner rather than later.
~David D.G.
Hey there, fundiecakes, I hate to disagree with you, but worldwide, pregnancy and childbirth are the two leading causes of death and disability among women of childbearing age.
Having a child may be natural, but it's also the riskiest thing most women will do in their lives in terms of their health.
Oh, and you're right. If a woman doesn't want to have a baby, she doesn't have to have one. It's called choice, and at least where I live it can be implemented both before and after conception.
Well, in the year 2000, 529,000 women died in the course of giving birth. It is true that most of these deaths could have been prevented medically, and less than 1% of them occured in the developed world, but it is clear that worldwide, pregnancy can be a risky proposition.
And arsenic is "natural." So is cyanide. And snake venom. And asbestos. And uranium. And chlorine. And coal dust. And cholesterol. And a million other things that can "harm" you. The idea that if it's "natural" it can't hurt you is ludicrous. Hell, great white sharks are "natural." Want to pet one?
Natural = harmless?
Let's see...
Tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning, poisonous plants, poisonous insects, poisonous reptiles, poisonous fish, eels, sharks, sea urchins, jellyfish, spiny catfish, undertow, whirlpools, earthquakes, tsunamis, radioactive elements, cancer, lupus, AIDS, plague, any other serious disease, drought, fire, predatory animals, landslides and blizzards.
You're right, those are all completely safe.
"The women has no rights when she has a baby."
"There's not that many women who are going to be damaged by having a baby."
There are all sorts of compliations that can result from pregnancy or childbirth. It's only thanks to science that those risks can now be minimised.
"It's natural, so therefore it doesn't cause harm."
Bah. Other posts have pointed out the fallacy of this statement.
"If she didn't want a bady (baby?), she didn't have to have one. Simple as that!"
Pro-choice now are we?
You are a moron.
If she didn't want a bady, she didn't have to have one. Rape happens.
Simple as that! No it isn't.
...the only way I can display my displeasure with this dumbass is to modify the lyrics of the Les Miserables song "Look Down".
"Dumb Ass! Dumb Ass! Dumb Motherfucking Ass!
Dumb Ass! Dumb Ass! Dumb Motherfucking Ass!"
Thank you, I will be accepting autographs right after I sick Inspector Javert on this fucktard!
So a fourteen-year-old girl, who is raped and impregnated by her father, WANTS that baby? Newsflash: you don't always become pregnant by choice. You don't always have sex by choice. And you don't always live through pregnancies, especially if you don't have the proper medical care. Pro-life, my foot.
"It's natural, so therefore it doesn't cause harm."
reminds me of this saying that always bothered me:
"God made dirt so dirt don't hurt!"
Women are several, therefore they "have" rights or no rights, and "they have" babies.
Are you a man? Come back when men get pregnant after a fun night, then we'll talk.
Cancer, heart-attacks and starvations are rather natural also.
Should we not treat you for anything natural, stupid?
Condoms break, safe period calculations fail. No child should be brought into the world to parents who don't want that child. How would you like to be born unwanted? We're thinking about the life of the child, stupid.
"It's natural, so therefore it doesn't cause harm."
You are using some weird definition of natural that I don't know of.
Please review infant and childbirth mortality rates as historical data, then see what modern medicine achieves , then open your mouth.
Hemlock and arsenic are natural, try some , you will like it , I promise. Well, ok, you will like it for a couple of minutes, then you wont care.
"The women has no rights when she has a baby."
- FIRST sentence, and I already want to bang this guys (has to be a guy) head against a concrete wall.
"There's not that many women who are going to be damaged by having a baby."
- death by childbirth, ever4 heard of, dumbass?
"It's natural, so therefore it doesn't cause harm."
- 'natural'? So is the poison ivy. Please eat a lot of poison ivy leaves, that would make the world a better place.
"If she didn't want a bady, she didn't have to have one."
- yeah, because rape of failure of contraceptives doesn't exist. /sarcasm.
@ Taln_Reich
Sadly, no it doesn't. There 'are' women out there who think like that and worse. See the Quiverfull movement, The Duggers, and the more hardcore fundementalists. Even a few among the MRA idiots we get from time to time.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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