I guess living Native Americans, Aborginies and others with no spirit are not part of Noah's genetic tree.
Truthfully, I consider them fortunate. It means they are not subjected to the fundie rules of life and can be left in peace.
That's fucking retarded. All people of color have no souls and all white people are the incestuous descendants of one couple? What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to reach that conclusion?
PS: Shouldn't this be under "Racists Say the Darndest Things"?
It looks like the article is a refutation of old-earth creationists who believe the earth is more than 6000 years old; you know, those who say the word "day" doesn't have to be taken literally, but that God still did it.
The part where this chart is located refutes an old-earth creationist's view that God created Adam and Eve about 10-25 years ago, and any "humans" whose fossils were older than that, weren't quite human.
One nutter refuting another nutter.
Um, read the page before instantly going ballistic. The page essentially claims that a particular brand of religious nonsense ('Progressive Creationists') that tries to mix creationism with science will inevitably lead to designation of Adam and Eve as advanced humans with spirits and other, clearly older nations and races as 'spiritless'. This contradicts the bible which says that ALL men have spirits, therefore, the world is 6,000 years old.
Just one nutter contradicting another, is all this is.
by Jonathan Sarfati
"We know today that all it takes to have a day-night cycle is a rotating Earth and light coming from one direction. The Bible tells us clearly that God created light on the first day, as well as the Earth. Thus we can deduce that the Earth was already rotating in space relative to this created light.
"God can, of course, create light without a secondary source. We are told that in the new heavens and Earth there will be no need for sun or moon (Rev 21:23)."
And what exactly, in the mind of this moronic fundy, is the need for the Sun in this OLD heaven and Earth?
If God can make life viable without it, using an unexplained but presumably nourishing light and heat source, then the Sun the 'secondary source' is redundant. But an all-powerful, omniscient and perfect designer God would have no use for redundancy.
Conclusion: God is not perfect; therefore God is an illusion.
The same conclusion can be drawn from our vestigial tails.
...So all humans before Adam and Eve have no spirit? Doesn't that contradict something?
See, the Bible is a system of inescapable fuck-ups; just ditch religion and you can be right.
Read the link, the article is not making this claim, it is saying the old earth creationist Hugh Ross is making this claim. AIG are YECs, they would not accept hominids of any kind being more than 6000 years old.
Ross is not any better. He likes to claim christians are on the cutting edge of scientific reasearch by accepting the big bang, while atheistic anti christian astronomers refuse to admit the steady state continuous creation cosmology (killed for good in the early 60's) is not supported by observations.
Ooo, racism under the guise of Creationism!
I dare you to drag your sorry ass to where I am (Australia) and say this shit to my Native American face. I will shove your bible so far up your ass you will be spewing passages in more than one way.
""And what exactly, in the mind of this moronic fundy, is the need for the Sun in this OLD heaven and Earth?""
Fundie in a nutshell. It's like how they say that there has to be rape and murder in this world because otherwise we'd be mindless drones and that'd be horrible - and then turn around 180 degrees by proclaiming how they look forward to Paradise, where there's no rape and murder, and everyone is thus, by the fundies on definition, a mindless drone.
Fundie, but not racist. Australians and American Indians are mentioned since is there the oldest cultures are found (note the "other cultures "dated" this old"-part). I think they belive modern Australians and Americans have souls, since all the "soulless" people perished in the flood.
Joke is there're MUCH funnier images in the rest of the article; e.g. the cartoon with
"Look, a beautiful rainbow - it's a sign from God saying he won't ever send another flood"
It's a bit strange to pick out this one, partic. as they aren't actually endorsing it in the original site.
the graphic reveals much.
Notice how the spiritless hominids are all clothed and A&E are naked.
Of course the spiritless hominids are silhouetted black characters and A&E are white.
But if you read the text, you will notice that AIG has presented this graphic as their strawman argument of what they call progressive-evolution (a form of theistic evolution) which they then attempt to refute, with about as much logic and power that they refute scientific evolution. The picture does not represent their own view but their characterization of the theistic evolutionists view.
And I thought it was just the Japanese that had no souls...
I mean, honestly, is this ANY different from the 'descendants of Ham' argument that was used to make slavery seem acceptable? If Christians had to accept that people are equally valuable, rather than make up bullshit explanations as to why they are not, they'd be forced to realize how marginal their delusions really are.
The actual article, when browsed doesn't actually support this claim. However, the article is a smörgåsbord of old-fashioned nuttiness. Their conclusions are interesting. I.E. We can't compromise a book clearly written by human authors, because if we do that then it's no longer infallible and seen as reliable and instead seen as an imperfect and suspect work, rather than a key to understand the divine and its purpose for human life.
This is, of course, utter bullshit. But watching people who treat science and technology as magic, adulating it to the point of worship, I can somewhat sympathize with the presented motivations for making these arguments. Though, as someone who plans to work such magics in the future, it is very tempting to be deified like that.
This might go in RSTDT, but it very clearly belongs here as the graphic is fueled entirely by a religious bent.
"Ross is not any better."
Again, this page is trying to paint some goofball church that mixes creationism and scientific as racist, so they can prove they are right instead..
NEITHER side is right. One believes human beings have worth depending on their race (but is unclear whether spirituality is a dominant or recessive trait). The other believes the earth is 6,000 years old because they worship an old book. Neither is living in the reality-based community.
Actually AIG are Young-Earth Creationists. These guys are misrepresenting something called "Progressive" or "Old-Earth Creationism".
Typical AIG strategy, saying that disagreeing with them leads to racism.
@ Illuminatalie,
While I agree with you that neither side is right, I've also come to accept another perspective that recognizes shades of gray when assessing religion.
It is (at least) less harmful to the culture of reason and science for people to believe in Old Earth Creationism than Young Earth Creationism and better still if they believe in Theistic Evolution. The more they allow real science to fit into their beliefs the better, even if (ultimately) they are not coming to conclusions entirely based on it.
A YEC has to deny virtually every aspect of modern science to maintain his/her beliefs, and that is worse for society and knowledge than someone who can accept (and allow their kids to be exposed to) real science.
I immediately knew when I saw this that AiG would be accusing somebody of racism rather than actually endorsing it, since they constantly use the "Evolution = racism" Fundie cliche. That's why I read the article instead of immediately typing in "that's racist!"
So, for the next poster who wants to type in "that's racist!" read the friggin' article first and then comment on how batshit insane it actually is, will ya?
Oh, you can just get FUCKED.
Like, seriously.
I hate you and everything to do with you. Last I checked, I had a soul. That was broken into 13ths. But that's not the POINT. The point is, I'm Koori, and proud.
You are one. Sick. FUCKER. Seriously. Please....Die. PLEASE.
I am as critical of blind fundies as anyone else, but get your facts straight first.
(I myself am a theistic evolutionist, but im sick of people blindly attacking out of context.)
"Progressive creation teaches that the record of nature is just as perfect as the Word of God."
Who wouldn't trust an eye-witness account over a book that was written second-hand, after being passed down for centuries by oral tradition, and before being translated into hundreds of different languages?
So the spiritless were the infamous Pre-Adamites I've heard so little about? And they were brown, but A&E -- descended? Evolved? -- from them and that's where all the white folks come from - in Africa?
I can't tell who is on which side in this thread, and frankly, Scarlett...
I just hope reading this fundy shit isn't warping my mind.
Best response is the Fuck Everything cartoon, imho. Lol.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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