Themishmisheh #fundie
"Here's why Amnesty backed the decriminalisation of sex work":
Amnesty international is a feminist institution that believes that sex predators deserve pity, sympathy and most important of all protection and encouragement so long as they are women and their victims are men and young boys.
I'm not sure many people are going to read this comment of mine but I would like to encourage people to stand up to and challenge the authority that is institutionalised feminism.
Prostitution is a profession mostly dominated by women. These women sexually exploit men and young boys for financial gains. They pray on weak vulnerable people who need help desperately. They help spread disease, perversions and often not only abuse their clients but their own children who witness their deviant sexual acts.
I would like the reader of this article, written by a woman, no doubt a feminazi, to notice the difference in the way she deals with the men and the women involved in prostitution. According to her interpretation of prostitution, the prostitutes are victims and most all prostitutes are women whilst the clients, the pimps who are all mostly men are according to her evil victimisers. This is because she looks at life through a feminist keyhole. She is a sexist. In her mind women cannot do wrong and men cannot do right. Women are born victims and men are born victimisers. We have to change our culture to fit this feminist theory.
Say no to prostitution, say no to amnesty international and say no sexism, say to sexual exploitation and say no to feminism.