Bariyon #fundie

[On the coming Grand Unified Theory]

What are we able to say about the coming unified theory? Here are some of my thoughts.

1. It will be a mathematical theory, but will not make use of highly advanced mathematics. Indeed, knowledge of highly advanced mathematics may be an impediment to its understanding.

2. It will be developed by an outsider to the physics community. After all, physics has had over a century to produce a unified theory, and has failed, not for lack of intellect.

3. Many in the physics community will reject the theory, because it will differ from conventional understanding. It is questionable whether science will be able to accommodate the coming changes. Science may become an outdated institution, left in the wake of progress.

4. Indeed the coming unified theory will mark the end of the "industrial" age and the beginning of an age which is more spiritually inclined.

5. The main challenge will be understanding its implications at the human level. In this sense, it will represent a coming together of science and spirituality. Its understanding and implementation will require poetic ability as well as mathematical ability.

6. The coming theory will not be communicated using conventional means. The communicators will be well versed in prophetic methods.

7. There are people alive on the planet at this moment who know the details of the theory, but have little intention of communicating it openly. They are aware that the theory is available to anyone who has a sincere desire to know it, and a suitable background in mathematics/physics.

8. The main impediment facing people is not lack of intelligence, knowledge or status, but lack of belief in oneself.



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