I was on our school board for 12 years want the real truth? MOST of the Principals are GAY yes Gay, they are liberals faggots and the teachers March to the step of their MArxist unions. They truely follow the Saul Alinsky model. We broke them for a while but they crept back in after the conservatives left the board. We had ZERO mention of anything gay or Muslim . We did nOT allow teachers to indoctrinate the kids because we actually monitored the classes. It tales vigilence and strong activism on the part of the conservatives to stop these people. They tried to sneak books into the school that were revisionist History. under the guies of extra reading. You have no idea until you put yourself into the frey how bad these Marxists are.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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