James Johnson #fundie charismanews.com
Every American that stands for "tolerance" of ALL religions needs to understand religious freedom can never supersede fundamental constitutional freedom (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness). If we allow that we can allow anything--including infiltration of those seeking our decimation--all under the guise of "religious freedom".
Fundamental rights cannot be taken away by any “religion”. The Constitution, therefore, can only offer protection for religions that are accordant with the fundamental rights (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) The Constitution was set up to protect, otherwise The Constitution could actually offer protection to a religion that sets itself up to destroy The Constitution. That would be self-defeating. It's absurd to think that our founders would frame our Constitution, in all its genius, in such a self-defeating way. The Constitution cannot be self-defeating (i.e. if The Constitution was self-defeating, we would have no objective and legitimate point of reference to protect our Civil Rights).
If any so called “religion” does not respect the fundamental rights outlined in our Constitution then that religion does not get the protection of The Constitution. In other words, the religion has delegitimized itself from The Constitution and any rights that come from The Constitution. Islam does not respect the fundamental rights outlined in our Constitution; therefore, Islam has delegitimized itself from The Constitution and any rights that come from The Constitution.
In summary, the argument goes something like this:
P1: All religions protected by the Constitution are religions that are compatible with The Constitution; more specifically, religions that respect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness--these are fundamental rights that cannot be taken away by any religion.
P2: If any so called “religion” does not respect the fundamental rights outlined in our Constitution then that religion does not get the protection of the Constitution. In other words, the religion has delegitimized itself from The Constitution and any rights that come from The Constitution.
P3: Islam does not respect the fundamental rights outlined in our Constitution.
Conclusion: Therefore, Islam has delegitimized itself from The Constitution and any rights that come from The Constitution.