[2 billion deaths as a result of false beliefs in the history of the world before Jesus]
How would YOU know, bub? Oh, it would be COUNTLESS human deaths before Jesus since the planet is BILLIONS of years old! As for the "False Belief" thing, you're an idiot and *drum roll*...CITATION NEEDED!
[2 and 1/2 million in 2000 years. on comparison to the rest of our recorded history.]
First, CITATION NEEDED....Second, The Earth's billions of years old & your Genesis story is just a myth & a metaphor....Third, CRUSADES, INQUSITIONS, WITCH HUNTS, POGROMS, THE HOLOCAUST, IMPERIALISM, SLAVERY...Yadayadayada & so on...Your argument would have merit if Christians actually LIVED & PRACTICED Jesus' message, example & ethical teachings...But they didn't so there!
[Does that sound like a failure or ONE HELL OF A SUCCESS.]
No, it's mostly a faliure because his followers ignore him & pay only lip service...there are many exceptions but you'd reject them as "Commie/Pinko/Satanist/Baby-Eating Whatever".
[And he still promises more to come.]
More what? People not dying? Inquisitions? Gamera Movies? Post Nasal Drip? "Jerry Springer" reruns? Farting Elephants? WHAT? WHAAAAT?!!
[Most people like to take a view that supports their own interpretation without looking at the big picture.]
My...what a lovely mirror you have!
[Look at the big picture. Look at the world without Jesus and the number of Dead bodies. Then Look at the world with Jesus and count again. Belief in Jesus has been the biggest deterrent to religious killings in world history.]
So apparently, Christians ACTUALLY FOLLOWED Jesus & the Inquisions, Pogroms, Nazi Death Camps, N. Ireland infighting, Witch Hunts, Crusades & all that bananas never happned....and I hang with Elvis in a UFO piloted by Howard Hughes & WWN's Bat Boy and visit Nessie's house in the Mushroom Kingdom to for "Yahtzee" with him/her/it & Cthulhu.