Lazarus #racist

[Re. restrictions on care packages to U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq.]

So no healthy print or video porn... No liquor... And no bacon... And they expect our boys and girls to live under these conditions? I think a healthy nation-wide class action lawsuit is needed for this...

Sheesh no wonder those muzzies are constantly declaring jihad against everyone - If I lived under their cultural insanity, I'd be pissed off at the world too... Hell, they've been convinced that looking at the beautiful shape of a woman is bad and that looking at a nekkid goat is good...

And what's the deal with the Horror Comics? What's next, Mad Magazine... Our government has become a cesspool of international political correctness...

Our efforts over there are officially a total waste of time - This is one policy where I agree 100% with Obama - Since we have a nutless Kenyan Monkey in the Whitehouse instead of an Ameircan Leader, its time to pull ALL of our troops out of this Circus... Not one more dime or drop of American blood is worth spending one more day in this political farce....



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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