So, learning from my great teachers, no, I don't especially care about women being raped, because you don't deserve male sympathy if you are raped, since you don't care if men are raped. Your gender is the wonderful, caring, compassionate gender which believes in sucking out brains of living, feeling, third trimester babies.
In that case, you´ll love prison, the only place where men are raped. And where men are there for aborting the babies their girlfriends wanted to keep, by hitting, I mean.
Dear A-64,
You were someone's bitch in prison, weren't you? And when you complained, nothing happened. And now that you are out, you have turned into a complete misogynist. All I feel for you is pity.
I'm a feminist and I care if men are raped. Well, maybe not *you*, but other, nicer men, certainly.
I am a feminist and believe that rape is terrible no matter who it happens too. Gender/race/age is absoultely irrelevant. And what the hell does pro-choice have to do with caring about rape victims?
Also, provide evidence that third trimester abortions are a) legal, and b) still occuring in industrial nations.
And what the hell does pro-choice have to do with caring about rape victims?
I've seen this idea before - a lot of men think they an get back at pro-choice women by not caring about rape, since apparently having an abortion is as bad as violently sexually assaulting someone, and as though the only reason you'd sympathize with a rape victim is that now they gotta be pregnant for awhile.
Also, provide evidence that third trimester abortions are a) legal, and b) still occuring in industrial nations.
Late-term abortions do happen and are legal, but they are very, very rare (less than 1% of abortions, if I remember correctly), and pretty much reserved for case where the mother's health/life is at risk or for heavy/fatal malformations of the foetus.
I think the vast majority of women care about the crime of rape whatever the gender of the victim. It's always wrong, no matter what the circumstances, and it should always be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
I know we get a lot of "don't drop the soap" jokes in here, but I think it is a disgrace that men in prison are assumed to be raped repeatedly as a matter of course. Rape is a crime no matter where it happens, no matter who the victim.
I was just joking. What I mean is that male rape is extremely rare, and most of the cases happen in prison, for a number of reasons. Out of that is what people call statutory rape, which is damaging, but not to the extent of the one in which people are forced with coercion and physically, as in prison. Of course, women care about male rape, only that it happens very infrequently and men are not subject to the escrutiny of the women(I don´t hear in his plea that the men in prison was wearing little clothes or provoking the pimps).
Who sucked your brain out, bitter old fuck?
I care if you get raped anonymous pussy age 64, in fact I hope it happens to you soon, and repeatedly. By a crazed
"I think the vast majority of women care about the crime of rape whatever the gender of the victim. It's always wrong, no matter what the circumstances, and it should always be prosecuted to the full extent of the law."
And I think the vast majority don't. Why don't more women come out against kid-raping women like men do?
"I know we get a lot of "don't drop the soap" jokes in here, but I think it is a disgrace that men in prison are assumed to be raped repeatedly as a matter of course. Rape is a crime no matter where it happens, no matter who the victim."
But its only funny when it happens to a man, amirite lolz??
So let's sum up, shall we?
He has problems with women.
He apparently got raped at some time.
He disapproves of abortion.
Ergo, all women deserve to be raped.
I wonder how many of the regulars at that blog are registered with the police or wear ankle bracelets?
And your gender is the loving, caring, compassionate gender that writes off women who are raped in order to bolster your own chauvinistic view that they are 'damaged goods'.
Whose betting ten bucks this guy is a peado who likes his 'wimmen' to be under ten?
BTW, who are you to say I don't care about men getting raped? I do. Asshole.
I'm a feminist, and yes, I DO care if men or women are raped. I don't know about you, but guys like you seem to be more in denial about male rape than women are. "Why didn't you just push her off?" "What kind of MAN are you, to let her do that to you?"
And what about underage boys and their predators? Mary Kay? Michael Jackson? You think that no one cared about those cases? Please, you're just spouting nonsense to justify your insane hatred of women.
I care about humans being raped, regardless of gender, asshole! All decent human beings deserve human sympathy. Why this constant dividing us up in male and female? We are more similar than we are different. Why not constantly divide us up in knock-kneed and blow-legged or morning persons and night persons?
Who has ever said anything about sucking out brains of viable third trimester fetuses?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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