many1337numbers #fundie
If religion is just a cock show like you're implying, then militant atheists are the biggest dicks of all.
That's not a compliment, either.
At least religions hold interfaith dialogues and form organizations dedicated to such, trying to promote understanding and increase acceptance of differing beliefs despite the extremist nutjobs people focus on. Hell, there was a big one this July, involving Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Islam.
Compared to that, what do atheists do?
Protest church gatherings, pull fire alarms at church-affiliated day care centers and sprinkle anti-religious specious rhetoric on the front lawn, or demand the banning of books even vaguely related to religion.
I'd love to say that's just another case of nutjobs, but atheists have yet to produce their own organizations and movements dedicated to tolerance and acceptance of religion. It's rather telling when you see things like this, and you see prominent atheist writers praise their beliefs as "the removal of bad ideas."
Atheists as the theology equivalent to Wikipedian deletionists like Dragonfiend, trying to destroy what they do not (or will not) understand. Who knew?