Unknown #fundie yecheadquarters.org

[Apparently those who believe in evolution are real assholes...]

So from all of their websites, and forums. I have come up with a current evolutionist Hit List:

1.) Atheist-evolutionist: Close to pure human, and always well educated.
2.) Atheist only: Predominately human, and mostly well educated.
3.) Theistic evolutionist (evolution plus God): Half human, and moderately educated.
4.) Old earth creationist (OEC): A little less than half human. Slightly educated.
5.) Creationist: Predominately animal. Not very intelligent.
6.) Young earth creationist (literal belief in God's word): Almost pure animal. Un-educatable.

So if you believe in the literal word of God, or in creation itself. What other category does that put you in, according to the mindset of evolutionists?



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