I know that I said that I left WLD, but I have to comment on the school shooting.
The callous disregard for human life from America's ruling class, the president, the Congress, the Judiciary, that sanctions the slaughter of 24 babies EVERY 10 minutes has to be a huge contributing factor to the carnage at the Sandy Hook School.
Where did I get that number 24?
In 40 years since Roe v. Wade, more than 50 million unborn babies have been slaughtered. That amounts 1,250,000 every year, 3,425 every day, 143 every hour.
That means that 24 babies are slaughtered EVERY 10 minutes, more than the number of children killed in that school shooting.
"Where did I get that number 24?"
Umm...your ass?
Besides, even if that were true, that's nothing. Do you know how much sperm gets wasted every year?
At the same time, you stupid fuckers would deny teaching sexually active teens about safe sex and birth control, and would deny health coverage to women so they can afford birth control.
You're a living paradox of stupidity.
And fuck you for making a horrendous crime committed by a nutbar, who should never have had access to the weapons he used, all about abortion. It says a lot about you sick, twisted view of life.
The idea that twenty living, breathing, fully aware six- and seven- year olds, loving and loved by their parents and looking forward to Christmas, who had their lives snuffed out in terror and agony, are insignificant compared to fertilized eggs, both sickens and frightens me.
Blobs of embryonic cells are not children, you fucking cannibal. The children who died at Sandy Hook were REAL chilldren, filled with dreams and hopes. How DARE you use the murder of children to push your fucking political agenda. Go die in a fire, SLOWLY!
I spit on your concern for fertilized eggs. Living, breathing, thinking children are infinitely more important.
Protesting abortion is just a way for a fundie to feel special without going to the trouble or expense of caring for unwanted children.
And where did you get the 50,000,000 figure?
Do you even realize how high that is?
The callous disregard for human life from America's ruling class, the president, the Congress, the Judiciary, that sanctions the slaughter of 24 babies EVERY 10 minutes has to be a huge contributing factor to the carnage at the Sandy Hook School
Then explain all those school shootings before Roe v. Wade.
So Texan either saying ...
(1) Adam Lanza figured Roe v. Wade gave him permission to gun down six year olds
(2) That we shouldn't whine about the death of the six year olds because more fetuses were killed by abortion
The first is just nuts. The second is like saying we should quit whining about hurricane Katrina or the Japanese tsunami disaster because, hey, a lot more people were killed by WW2 and the 1918 flu epidemic.
Actually that would be 3,424.6575 every day, 142.694 every hour and 23.7823 every ten minutes. Although as your baseline number of 50 million hasn't changed for several years now and is also completely made up that probably doesn't matter.
"24 babies EVERY 10 minutes "
A fetus is NOT a baby!
Let's imagine that on a railroad track there is a group of five one month old embryos, on another track there is just one 2 month old baby. You are behind the controls of an out of control train and the only thing you can do is switch tracks but you must go down one of the two tracks, which track do you go down?
This is a variation of the old trolley problem in ethics. Oh how I wish I could hear you answer it and try to justify your answer.
"24 babies EVERY 10 minutes "
A fetus is NOT a baby!
Let's imagine that on a railroad track there is a group of five one month old embryos, on another track there is just one 2 month old baby. You are behind the controls of an out of control train and the only thing you can do is switch tracks but you must go down one of the two tracks, which track do you go down?
This is a variation of the old trolley problem in ethics. Oh how I wish I could hear you answer it and try to justify your answer.
"24 babies EVERY 10 minutes "
A fetus is NOT a baby!
Let's imagine that on a railroad track there is a group of five one month old embryos, on another track there is just one 2 month old baby. You are behind the controls of an out of control train and the only thing you can do is switch tracks but you must go down one of the two tracks, which track do you go down?
This is a variation of the old trolley problem in ethics. Oh how I wish I could hear you answer it and try to justify your answer.
"24 babies EVERY 10 minutes "
A fetus is NOT a baby!
Let's imagine that on a railroad track there is a group of five one month old embryos, on another track there is just one 2 month old baby. You are behind the controls of an out of control train and the only thing you can do is switch tracks but you must go down one of the two tracks, which track do you go down?
This is a variation of the old trolley problem in ethics. Oh how I wish I could hear you answer it and try to justify your answer.
First of all, they're fetuses, or else simply embryos, not children, not babies.
Secondly, there's no connection between the number of abortions and school shootings. Regardless, there were school shootings and violence long before abortion was legalized in this country.
Thirdly, there IS a connection between American society's love lust for guns and gun violence.
I know this is an old argument, but this infuriates me.
Go & fuck yourself you sanctimonious turdwagon.
What about the actual born babies and children whose deaths have been chalked up as "collateral damage" in the wars that George Bush started and Barack Obama has to deal with?
For all your vaunted love and compassion for "unborn babies" you people don't seem to give two right shits about those babies once they are born. Oh you need wealth-fare to support your family? Fuck you, you shouldn't have had kids. Oh your baby died in a drone strike? Fuck you, don't mess with America! Oh your baby that I forced you to carry to term was born with a life threatening condition that you can't afford treatment for? Fuck you, socialist healthcare is evil! A retarded man is being executed for a crime he didn't commit? Fuck him I'm hard on crime!
Okay, now where did you get the number 50,000,000 and furthermore, why should I care?
yup, arithmetic is sound
thats a lot of abortions , which is sad.
it may be the best thing for some people but it is still sad.
and no, you can not connect a school shooting to abortion. You can connect shootings to people with hands , legs and eyes.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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