The teachers who are teaching your children are not necessarily nice, wonderful servants of the community. They are activists supporting ... values [such as] affirmative action, ERA [the Equal Rights Amendment (as in, equal rights for women)], gun control, sex education, illegal teachers' strikes, nuclear freeze, federal funding for abortions ... decriminalization of marijuana.
ohnoes! Equal rights for women!? Srrrsly?! AND Sex education!? Surely not! We cant have adolescents knowing about sex! That means they'll HAVE sex... with protection! Adolescent girls will use the pill!? ohnoes! eugh, that was sarcasm overload, but bloody hell.
Gee, Pat, if it pisses you off, why don't you get your school board to hire a bunch of fundies to teach the kids your values? What's that? The rest of the voters in your town think you're a far right-wing fanatic and don't agree with you? Well, ain't that a bitch - that's democracy for you! Move to Saudi Arabia. I'll bet the teachers there don't support any of that stuff. Don't let the door hit you in the ass ...
The ministers who are preaching in your chrurches are not necessarily nice, wonderful servants of the community. They are activists supporting ... values [such as] religious intolerance, sexual discrimination, guns in the home, sexual repression and ignorance, violation of the separation of church and state, nuclear weapons, federal funding for faith based activities ... the protection of child abusers.
If we have equal rights for women, then they can't be treated like the bugs they are! We must stop this madness!
Gun control? OH NOES!!! We might actually not have as many people shooting at each other! That can't happen!
Sex Education? THE FIENDS!!! We can't have our children knowing about sex!
Nuclear Freeze? NOOO!!! We can't stop production of nuclear weapons? Then we can't blow eachother up, and decimate cities! What craziness!
Pat Robertson is right. The teachers we have now are insane spawns of Satan, and need to be stopped!
Ok, the sarcasm meter was at level 100,000,000 there, but I believe that I have proven Pat Robertson to be a total idiot, for those who have been living in a cave for God knows how long now. Good day.
I'm trying to remember a single teacher I ever had that (openly) supported decriminalization of marijuana. Hmmm.
As for the rest of this, BAULDERDASH, I say! Equal rights?! PSHAW. Everyone knows old white uber-conservative men are supposed to speak and everyone else is supposed to listen and/or cower.
Anyone in your street may be trying to promote peace, harmony or even understanding. Be aware. Report any such suspicious activity to your local secret police office. If you already know where this is, then umm... hand yourself in at the door.
If my teachers had advocated any of that, they would have been fired instantly. Of course, I went to school in Arkansas.
Someone please put this senile old man in a nursing home. He'll start drooling on-camera soon.
But Pat, everything you listed (except for the strikes nonsense) is good. As such, you have not demonstrated how teachers are not wonderful servants of the community. If anything, you have shown the opposite!
Now this idiot thinks that women should be inferior to men and that we should kill our neighbours with our God given gun(blessed the peacemakers?). By the way, if you´re working and want rights, why is strike a bad idea?, and why teacher´s strike in particular?
For some strange reason, this reminds me of a Duckman quote.
"Thin-skinned no-humor pansies! You tell em an ice breaker or two about women-libbers, gays, environmentalists,
several minorities, the homeless, a couple of religions, anorexics, obese people, the handicapped, old-farts, baldness & people who walk real goofy cause they just had a vasectomy and suddenly they get all sensitive! Like I offended one of them or something?"
Do they just not realize what they're saying?
Duckman rocks ass!
Put ya down, down, thrust your pelvis, HUH! Thrust your pelvis, HUH! Thrust your pelvis, HUH!
Oh, that's funny... decriminalization of marijuana. SUCH a horrible thing that WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY JR. (aka the Father of Modern Conservatism) supports legalizing marijuana.
And yeah, let's NOT teach our kids about what can happen if they insert Dongle P into Receptacle V. Better for them to be pregnant and barefoot at an early age, right? Make 'em drop out of school so you can keep 'em ignorant and under your control. Ain't it a beyootiful plan?
"The teachers who are teaching your children are not necessarily nice, wonderful servants of the community.
No, plenty of themm are fundamentalist Christians.
So, what's NOT nice and serviceable to the community about that?
OK, marijuana should perhaps stay illegal, and illegal strikes are not nice.
But as to all the rest, it must be part of every teacher's job to inform about these things, surely. Right? Right...?
But, you can't have a democracy without equal rights.
Why not, Skatepunk? Do only rich women deserve the choice? Should poor women just keep their legs closed? Or would you prefer they have those unwanted babies and abuse them?
There is no more miserable existence than knowing your mother hates you for having been born... and I should know; for as long as I can remember she wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. Before you deny a woman an abortion, think about what kind of life that child will have.
Obvious projection: "Because I want an indoctrination system driven by people with a conflict of interest who impose ideology on children, I claim that independent competent teachers have an evil indoctrinatory agenda targetting children."
Then interestingly, various points Robertson attempts to claim are harmful or evil may actually be good things for society, revealing Roberton's twisted thought processes, his alienation from reality and his own evil. An exploitator who likes a vulnerable destitute society to exploit and who cherishes and promotes elitism and systemic stratification. A predator who wants his victims to be helpless.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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