Simon Heller, one of the attorneys, plans to quiz [FDA Deputy Operations Commissioner] Woodcock on a March 23, 2004, staff memo suggesting she was concerned Plan B might lead to teenage promiscuity.
The FDA is only supposed to consider the safety and efficacy of drugs.
In the memo released by the FDA, Dr. Curtis Rosebraugh, an agency medical officer, wrote: "As an example, she [Woodcock] stated that we could not anticipate, or prevent extreme promiscuous behaviors such as the medication taking on an 'urban legend' status that would lead adolescents to form sex-based cults centered around the use of Plan B."
Teens are stupid (as they should be) but I've yet to seem them form cults around some pill. And they will be curious about sexuality regardless of contraception being available, it's just that they shouldn't be punished for the rest of their lives just for being stupid teenagers, which we all are or were at some point.
"It seems Plan A has failed gang. On to Plan B."
"What's Plan B, Fred?"
"We strip naked, we beseech Satan for his blessing in turn, than have a blood orgy."
I didn't think teenagers needed an excuse for going at it like - well - teenagers.
I took the morning after pill after a condom broke. I had the worst PMT I have ever experienced - it's definitely not something I would base a sex-cult on, unless bursting into tears, arguing with the idiot who failed to notice it had come off and eating enough chocolate to make Willy Wonka blush does it for you. It's plan B for a reason.
Oh give me a fucking break. Teens are going to have sex if they want to, or abstain if they want to, regardless of whether there's a contraceptive pill available or not.
I imagine back in the 60's when the Pill was invented they probably thought it was going to result in high promiscuity. When in reality, teen pregnancy rates have gone down since the 1950's.
Absolutely nothing can "lead" to teenage promiscuity. Teens have been having sex since time immemorial. Teenage pregnancy rates are highest in the Bible Belt, anyway. DEAL WITH IT, YOU @#$%ING CONSERVATIVES!
"As an example, she [Woodcock] stated that we could not anticipate, or prevent extreme promiscuous behaviors such as the medication taking on an 'urban legend' status that would lead adolescents to form sex-based cults centered around the use of Plan B."
And yet, I'll be she's still employed there. Not only that, I'll bet they promote her. The dumb ones always get promoted.
One of the least-favorite teachers in my high school had the unfortunate name of Mr. Woodcock.
Everyone called him "Cedar Peter."
Yes, I know, that's completely irrelevant to this discussion. So sue me.
There are plenty of other medications that promote "extreme promiscuous behaviors" among teenagers. In fact, any medication that will help you survive childhood and get you up to puberty promotes "extreme promiscuous behaviors" among teenagers more or less to some degree.
So, if Woody is so concerned about "extreme promiscuous behaviors" among teenagers, perhaps she should do her best to make sure lots of kids who need medication don't get it and die off young. Problem solved.
the medication taking on an 'urban legend' status that would lead adolescents to form sex-based cults centered around the use of Plan B.
Yes, and the ready availability of chemotherapy has lead to widespread cigarette smoking.
"We could not anticipate, or prevent extreme religious behaviors such as the prophet taking on an 'urban legend' status that would lead adolescents to form Jesus-based cults centered around the use of the Sacraments." - 3rd Bureaucrat from the left in Constantine's court during the debate over a State Religion. (Loosely translated)
Well, you may have been programmed to be sexually repressed, but we teenagers today are too busy studying, getting high and/or drinking to dedicate ourselves to a ridiculous cult formed around a pill. We do attend school and are well aware of the pill. Well, at least those of us who attended sex ed class for 6-8 years.
@ Jezebel's Evil Sister
One of the least-favorite teachers in my high school had the unfortunate name of Mr. Woodcock.
Everyone called him "Cedar Peter."
Yes, I know, that's completely irrelevant to this discussion. So sue me.
Irrelevant? Sue you? Ha! The jokes are what bring me here.
would lead adolescents to form sex-based cults centered around the use of Plan B."
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