gcmusicman #fundie websitetoolbox.com

I was wondering people's thoughts on premarital sex and who you will be with in heaven. When I met my wife I knew that she had had sex before and I hadn't. About 3 weeks after we got together, we got engaged, we had sex, about 3 months after she was pregnant. I was not her first and at first that didn't concern me. But as time went on, it began to drive me crazy...that I was not her first. My question is maybe crazy, but what does God recognize as"one flesh?" Is it the act of sex that God will recognize or the ceremony of marriage? If it is sex, then won't heaven be screwed up by all of the divorces and multiple partners people have? Will you be in heaven with the first person you have sex with, the last one, or the one you are married to? I don't want her to be tied to anyone in heaven except me and Christ?



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