James Lansberry #fundie thatmom.com

I am convinced that God has left us with a way to save children who are conceived and which implant ectopically. Years ago we would have, as a society, said it was impossible to fly. Centuries ago, breech babies were a near death sentence to the mother. The problem is that as long as we believe the medical community (and why is a profession that as a whole supports abortion and opposes the Christian worldview to be trusted?) in their assertion that there’s no way to save the child in an EP, no one will look for a solution. Loving both mother and child means that we don’t do nothing, and we don’t rush into a chemical abortion that actively causes the death of the child.

Is the mother’s life in danger? In some or even many cases yes. Though we had an obstetrician tell my wife her life was in danger JUST FOR CONCEIVING A CHILD AFTER 35. So what’s the answer here? First, I don’t believe we should accept the party line. It’s not that long ago that the party line was that African Americans were not fully human. So let’s, just for the sake of the children and mothers involved question the assertion that there’s no way to save the chid. In my limited medical knowledge I can imagine a couple of ways we might find to reimplant the child in the womb, safely for both mother and child. Is it risky? Sire it is. But is the risk worth possibly saving a child’s life? My wife and I both earnestly believe it is. And historically, many currently routine life saving procedures were at one time outside the norm of medical practice and much riskier than today.

Now if one is convinced that our loving, sovereign, all wise God has not left us with any other option than killing the child, then my thoughts here are controversial. But if one believes that perhaps we should try something different because God gives new discoveries in His providence frequently, and that He surely will allow us to discover a way to save the child without harming the mother, well then there’s nothing controversial here at all. I don’t know about the “fringe” people that mom is referring to, but I’m merely advocating for a reasoned, non-reactionary dialog that at least admits God has, just maybe, not given a death sentence to all children conceived ectopically.



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