The Jesus you claim to believe in for your salvation accepted and supported the six days of creation as historical and all of Moses writings that they had in his time as from God and true history. (As well as supported as history by other Bible authors.)
By saying Genesis is not historical or literal or history is saying Jesus' words (about himself and salvation, ie. Christianity) are not true either. So you may want to change your claim that you are a "Christian" to something else.
Just because Jesus might have lied about Genesis, in order to communicate with people of a less scientific mindset, doesn't mean that everything he said was a lie.
Good people can lie for good reasons. Bad people can tell the truth for bad reasons.
Of course none of it really pertains to me, I suppose. Just thought I'd throw that in there on behalf of my Christian friends.
Jesus's words were true, so:
John the Baptist was the prophet Elijah,
Jesus did return in the first century AD,
He only came for the Jews,
He meant people really should cut off their hands,
all the minutest parts of the old testament law still apply until judgement day, and
you should honour your mother and father but hate your parents.
Jesus said that Peter was the rock his church would be built on. So what kind of rock was he? Granite? Marble? Limestone?
What do you mean that Jesus was using poetic metaphor? By saying that Peter was not a rock is not historical or literal or history is saying Jesus' words (about himself and salvation, i.e. Christianity) are not true either. So you may want to change your claim that you are a "Christian" to something else.
(sigh) All too easy
So you may want to change your claim that you are a "Christian" to something else.
Good idea. Now that you've demonstrated that Jesus was full of crap on the subject of the origin of the earth and was merely reading it out of a bronze-age book by some anonymous Arabs, how can you continue to think he was the Son of God?
Jesus, as a man of his time, accepted all sorts of nonsense as truth. We now have evidence which disproves much of that nonsense, so only the ignorant, the stupid or the emotionally needy are likely to believe that biblical twaddle.
In the immortal words of Augustine, Father did not send His Son to teach us about the shape of the world, but about salvation. He did not want mathematicians, but Christians.
In the same vein, Bible tells us nothing about Australia. Or America, for that matter. Or calculus. Or electrodynamics. Catch my drift already?
Well, I guess they do have a bit of a point. If you aren't going to actually follow your religion, why are you a part of it? So yeah, if you're not going to be a crazy idiot, you're not a Christian.
So, show us the verse that says "I believe all Moses's writings to be true history." If not, might he then have been referring to a story everyone knew?
@Old Viking
It's almost as amusing as when Christian bigots define True Islam for Muslims.
Jesus was quite enlightened for his time in the sense of how people should treat each other. Keep in mind the operative phrase in that last sentence is 'for his time'.
That being said, Jesus lived at a time when there was no concrete scientific study of the universe or the origins of the world. This means that Jesus, as socially enlightened as he was, knew fuck-all about the origins of the planet. All he knew was what the Torah claimed, and that is what he espoused as the truth.
Jesus' words were not true, therefore he was not the Messiah.
Hey, I've just destroyed Christianity.
This is not correct. In actuality, the vast majority of Christians, including the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and most Protestant churches, interpret Genesis allegorically.
As for Jesus, he lived at a time when the notion of an empirical fact had not yet developed. Thus, he also didn't have a conceptual distinction between myth and history.
We separate myth and history, but in the ancient world, they didn't necessarily conceive of them as discrete categories.
Mech610 wrote:
Jesus was quite enlightened for his time in the sense of how people should treat each other.
He didn't condemn slavery though, something you might have expected a supposed great moral leader to do.
There is a difference between lying and just not knowing.
Do you refuse to wash your hands, use modern medicine, or in fact make use of any kind of scientific or social achievement that has been performed since the first century AD, just because there is no mention in the Bible of Jesus doing it or knowing about it? Because if that's the case, you are quite the moron.
Genesis is not historical or literal. Sorry if that displeases you, but there it is. And Jesus - if he even existed - was just as ignorant of most things even remotely "scientific" as anyone else at that time.
We've moved on a great deal since then. Fundies have not, which frankly is their loss.
The Bible was available for the average Jewish man to read as he had to read it when he was bar mitzvah and the reading of the Torah was shared out during services in the synagogue. The mitzvos to study the Torah and, if you have the means, to have a copy written were taken very seriously. This is the chief reason why adult male literacy among Jews, at least in Hebrew, was near universal long before the invention of printing.
As for Christians, the Bible, or large portions of it, became available for private study in affordable editions by the 17th century and it was usual then in Protestant Europe, particularly Holland, England, Scotland and Germany, for a family, and servants if it had them, to read the Bible together. Bibles, often the only book a person would own, were also passed on and handed down from one generation to the next, though prayer books were also common, a number specifically aimed at women.
The Jesus's you claim to believe in also said that in order to be right with gawd you must sell everything you have, give the money to the poor, and follow him. Seeing how you entered something on a blog, I suspect you have a computer you have not sold (to give the money to the poor). So as long as we are playing this "literal" game and all, perhaps it is you who needs to change your claim that you are a xian to something else.
It's not like Jesus ever spoke in metaphor or anything.
Oh wait, he did. All the time.
If he was so omniscient though it would've been nice of him to inform us of something like germ theory at least.
He'd fit the trope, "Reed Richards is useless."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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