Hooray for lists!
1. The Little Mermaid: Any fantastical creature that's not mentioned in the Bible is satanic! Including mermaids. And the heroine's love for a mortal man that her father does not approve of is sinful! She should only focus on a man that her father would want her to marry! She has flowing red hair, which represents her sinful nature. Also, she's inquisitive and imaginative, and often ventures out from her home, and we all know how godless that is.
2. Aladdin: Because heaven forbid we portray Middle Eastern people in a positive light. Why, in the movie, they even mentioned that taboo word, Allah, once! How shameful! Children will be swayed to worship Allah instead our God, even though they're one and the same. Also, Jasmine's unwillingness to be married off to a rich prince shows her defiance of her "natural role." And genies are obviously satanic.
3. Beauty and the Beast: Since this is my favorite Disney movie, I'll temporarily take a break from sarcasm to say...what the heck?! A movie promoting the message that true beauty lies within is wicked? How is that against Christian values? What, are the talking objects somehow instruments of darkness too? Or they can't just bear the fact that Belle is an intelligent, educated, and independent woman and that she willingly rejects the chauvinistic oaf Gaston?
4. The Lion King: Because, since it's partly based off of "Hamlet" it must be wicked, since we all know how wicked Shakespeare was. It takes place in that heathen continent, Africa. And talking animals poison the minds of children.
Seriously, these fundies need to get a life.
P.S. Disney rocks, especially the movies that were just mentioned.
P.P.S. DrWeird. wins!