Jonathan Wetsel #fundie

One day, Bob, an ordinary 40-year-old accountant who lives in an average house in an average neighborhood, woke up after an eventful weekend on Monday morning to go to work. He got out of bed at 7:30, as usual, showered, shaved, and donned a business suit, as usual, and ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes, as usual. When he went out to his garage, though, something was very different. A brand-new Rolls-Royce was sitting next to his Civic where there was nothing last night! He was stunned as he opened the door and noticed the keys were in the ignition but decided to drive it to work that day, nonetheless.

Do you believe this story?

How about this one:

One day, Jim, a worker in a printing factory, was on lunch-break at Arby's eating a Triple-Cheese-and-Bacon sandwich when he heard a loud thundering noise. A few blocks away, the factory he worked in randomly exploded! He immediately ran back to see if everyone was okay. Fortunately nobody was hurt. However, they noticed in the wreckage there were all 24 volumes of the Encyclopedia Brittannica all in perfect order!

Do you believe this story?

Well, maybe you'll believe this one:

An artist was working hard on a painting. Or, at least, he was planning to; he hadn't started yet! He got a fresh piece of canvas and acquired all the different colored oils he would need to finish his masterpiece. He left the room to talk to his boss for a little while. When he came back, he noticed that a perfect replica of the Mona Lisa was painted on the canvas! He concluded that the oils randomly came together to produce the image that became one of DaVinci's most well-known paintings.

Is he crazy?

If you are a normal, intelligent, sane person, you can conclude that all three of these stories are fairy tales. Why is it, then, that you believe that all the matter in the universe came from nothing, was compacted into an extremely hot, dot-sized region, exploded with tremendous force via energy that came from nowhere? Then the earth cooled down, an atmosphere was created and it rained for millions of years to create vast oceans containing dissolved rocks which contained the basic building blocks of life known as "amino acids". That "primordial soup" then slowly evolved into fish, those fish evolved into amphibians, those amphibians evolved into reptiles, those reptiles evolved into mammals and birds, those mammals then evolved into humans.

Scientific fact? I don't think so! It's a proven fact that life cannot arise from non-life. It's a proven fact that matter cannot be created out of nothing by sheer chance. It's a proven fact that there are NO vestigial structures in any animals; evey organ serves some purpose and it's all designed to work perfectly with other systems.

So, is evolution a scientific fact? Absolutely NOT! It's an anti-scientific religion and nothing more!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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